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This wasn't the Marco Star knew and love , she didn't even know who this person was that he had become . It was scary and sad for her .
" m-Marco...." she tired to pause him to speak . Inside this triggered him even more and in rage he pushed the things off his desk . Star was at his point terrified it would be her next . After the incident with Jackie it left a huge emotion and traumatic scar both emotionally and physically that put Star in an rough situation.
After Marco put all his energy into pushing the stuff off his table he had stopped panting and calmed down . He looked at her scared and hurt eyes . He... Marco diaz... hurt his best friend.... Star..... an instant regret and painful sorrow filled him . Her tears now pouring out of her eyes like waterfalls , she wanted to speak but when she tried the cracks in her voice spoke for themselves. She was too hurt to speak or finds the words to speak .
Star ran to her room faster than ever with the tears falling along the way .
Marco let out a sigh seeing the problem he had caused for himself . He jogged over to her room but the door was closed and locked already .
"Hey Star , it's me . Marco ."
No answer
"Star looked I'm sorry about the things I said and did back there...."
no answer
" I didn't mean it.....I was just putting all my problems on you..."
no answer .
At this point marco let out a sigh knowing he had totally fucked up , though he was still willing to try to have his best friend forgive .
" m-Marco...." she said through tears as her voice cracks with each letter . She was on the other side of the door resting her body on the door while also sitting on the floor .
" yeah."
Marco answered calmly as he didn't want to startle the princess or scare her too much .
" I-I'm going back to mewni......"
her words spoke softly and calmly .
It felt as if someone had just punched Marcos stomach . He knew that was leaving earth because of him and he didn't want that . He wanted his best friend to stay with him .
" no !!!" An attempt at stopping her at going but the attempt failed .
On the other side Star was packing her things and she was almost done .
Marco could hear the closing of the suitcase she was packing and this panic started to rise up .
" star , star !!!"
No answer
" STAR !!!" He pounded onto the door and frantically trying to shake the nob but it won't budge .
" STAR , OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW !!! WE NEED TO TALK !!! COME ON , DONT LEAVE ME !!!" He yelled and yelled at her but his trying did nothing .
On the other side Star felt guilt for leaving but she knew she couldn't deal with all of the problems in life .
" Marco give up , I-I don't want to stay anymore !!!!" She yelled back at him .
These words stung him and he attempted to pound on the door harder and yell harder .
As if he had never begged for anything more in his life , but he wanted her to stay the most .
His heart was racing and the fear of her leaving for good placed a huge pressure of sadness .
Star in the other side , who found the words of her best friend somehow meaningful and made her almost want to stay but she knew if she left it would be the best , not only for her but for everyone else .
Star cut open the portal and Marco on the other side heard his which drove his commitment to having her stay made it stronger .
Star took one step through the portal with her suitcase and took on last look at the door .
She looked away again when she felt the emotional pain hit her .
" goodbye...." she said softly as she finally entered the portal and the portal closed .
Marco heard the portal close and his feet feel to the ground. He stared at the wooden door while the tears came flooding in his eyes . He had lost her... for good now....
Marcos placed his forehead on the door and let the tears run down his face . He banged the door once more because of anger.

In mewni :
Star has entered a nearby bar and sat near the bartender. " what would you like ?" He asked while he dried a beer glass . " umm... can I get a water please ?" Star asked sweetly with a smile but as soon as the bartender turned around to get her order stars smile faded into the frown that it was before .
The blonde took out her phone and checked her contacts . She scrolled through her contacts and saw Ponyhead . She decided to call Ponyhead as she was her only comfort .
" hey girl !!!!"
The energetic Ponyhead said in her usual voice .
" hi..ponyhead , ummm... I'm at the bar , I really need someone to talk to and your the only one I can really trust...."
" sure girl , I'll come over but you seem kinda distressed... is everything ok ?"
Ponyhead said sympathically as she wanted to look out for her bff .
" I'm- im fine , I just need someone to talk to..."
the butterfly said trying to seem confident like how she usually was .
Star went to her home screen when the called ended . She looked at her wallpaper , it was a picture of her and Marco. Star smiled for only a brief moment before frowning again realizing that she won't see him again .
As soon as Star put down her phone and looked to her left Ponyhead was already there . " HEY GIRL !!!" She said in a Ponyhead like attitude.
This left Star a little scared cause she didn't expect her to come this fast .
"AHHH.... oh it's you... sorry"
Star saId as she put her hands on her chest letting out a sigh of relief .
" wow Star, like I know I'm ugly but like you don't need to tell me ."
" oh my soul, thank god it's just you . You scared me."
Star explained
" so what you wanna talk about ?"
Ponyhead asked , eager to get to the root of stars problem .
" Marco and I.....we got into a fight and now I left earth and I'm not coming back...."
Star said shy and embarrassed of her actions but also sad . Ponyhead nearly spit out the water she had I her mouth .
" *cough , cough* excuse me ? Star !!! He is your best friend and as much as I hated saying that and saying this but you need him and he needs you !!!"

" I don't think that's true... I think he'd rather be with Jackie...."
a sad look came upon stars eyes

" Star I just like don't understand what the problem is, your his best friend and your supposed to support his relationship . That's why your his best friend !!!!!"

This trigger the emotional part of Star.....

To be continued....
hey yo it's me , welcome back my lovelies .
Sorry for the very late update but you got a long chapter out of it .😉

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