Chapter : 29

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"Dude you ok ?" The emotionless and calm janna spoke . She was being her usual self , everyone was having fun . Marco wondered why everything and everyone was normal , when he and his best friend just kissed ! How could everyone be so , so.....casual .
He came back to reality when janna spoke " dude ! You listening ? You good bro ?" She asked once more .
" aaaaa, yeah I'm fine ,fine." Marco lied , just as Janna was about to turn around and leave she stopped when he spoke again , which made her turn back to him " actually no...." Marco confessed . Janna was surprised because she'd never seen Marco this serious and given the fact they never really had that honest and trustworthy relationship as Marco and Star had . You can say that janna was quite surprised at this side of Marco she'd barley ever seen .
" Marco you ok ? You can tell me."Janna said for the first time quite concerned and alerted by her friends sudden change in mood. Janna was willing to show her soft side too.
Marco on the other hand was happy he could have someone other than Star to talk to about this .
" Janna......Star and I... we ,we....kissed..." Marco admitted .
Janna went wide eyed . Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined Marco and Star kissing . It was so unreal and didn't  sound like them at all . She stood their looking as shocked as he was , tho she knew she had to answer . " wait , what ? You and Star.... kissed ?" She begun .
" yeah..... I can't believe it either...."
" Marco did you want the kiss ?"
" no , no I-I didn't want it to happen ,besides I have a girlfriend *silence* I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, OMG I JUST CHEATED !!!" Marco panicked. Janna took the chance before he could have a panic attack and took his shoulders . She shook him a little and then gave him a couple slaps . " DUDE*slap* CALM*slap* THE*slap* FUCK*slap* DOWN!!!*slap*"
By this point marco had gotten a lot of slaps from her and calmed down .
" Marco..... your in some deep trouble . If Jackie finds out , your done !!!!"
" I know , I know !!! But what do I do ? Tell her and be honest but what if she breaks up with me . Or do I not tell her and live with the guilt ?"
" Marco if you tell , you WILL die ! Don't ever fuck with Jackie ."
" I honestly don't know what to do.....I'm totally fucked..."

Back to Star .
Stars POV :
As soon as Marco left my room I was once again alone . I felt like such an idiot. WHO KISSES THEIR BEST FRIEND !!! THATS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN !!!! I fall into the floor and sob my eyes out . I couldn't go back into time and redo all this . I don't even want to think about the major consequences this will have for the future. Our friendship.
The thought of Jackie and Marcos relationship slipped stars mind at that point .
Star sobbed and sobbed , their was nothing else to do other than that . She just wanted the comfort of someone , anyone . She wanted to get out of this mess she had created , but mostly she wanted to get ride these feeling that ate her up inside .
Star took a set on her bed and looked at her bedside table , a photo of her and Marco when they were younger . She took the photos in her hands and wiped the tears away from her eyes .
She wanted that back , the time those feelings didn't come to her but mostly that kiss....
a tear feel onto the face of Marco on the photo . She wiped it away before holding the photo close to her chest .

Christmas story (starco) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang