Chapter 17:

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Marco and his parents were the only ones at home . His parents decided to go to bed early cause of the long and busy day they had . Marco however didn't , he wanted to wait for star to come back from wherever she was . He wanted to make sure she came back home safe and sound . He didn't just do this because he was the safe kid , he cared deeply for her .
Some people don't need to tell their loved ones they love them for them to know . Sometimes they say "I love you" through their actions .
The brunette waited on the couch , eagerly awaiting for the front door to open and for The blonde to return home . He waited and waited, it took a while but when the door opened and the beautiful blonde stepped inside Marcos stress had calmed , he smiled knowing she was safe .
" so what did you have to do ?" He questioned. " umm... some stuff . It's honestly nothing ." She tried getting ride of the topic .
" ok then...." he said awkwardly.
" wait . Why are you up so late ?" Now it was the blonde questioning the brunette. The cards were reversed.
" Uhhhh... nothing." He lied . He didn't want to admit he was staying up only to make sure she came back home safely .
A brief silence followed before both of them decided it was time to go to bed .

The next morning both Star and Marco woke up late . They both stayed up late so you couldn't blame them for sleeping in longer.
It was an ordinary day for everyone in the diaz house , except for Star . She recalled the threats Jackie gave to her last night . She was scared and she didn't know what to do .
She wanted to tell marco but something was holding her back . What if he didn't believe her ? And he would get mad and stop being friends with Star ? Or what if he asked Jackie about it and then Jackie would come after her ? All these possibilities !!! And Star couldn't settle on one . So In the end she decided not to tell marco , it would be best for all of them . Or so she thought...
Star took another look at her phone , a new message had popped up . It was from Jackie again , the witch herself.
" hey bitch , I just wanted to remind you that I'm coming over to Marcos house soon and we're gonna be busy downstairs, so I wanna remind you NOT to go downstairs cause you'll definitely get it ."
Another cringe on stars faced appeared when it read  "we're gonna be busy downstairs ". It was disgusting to her yet made her jealous . Star was scared of this threat yes. But she knew that she wouldn't want to see Jackie's face all in Marcos face and her disgusting crusty , dusty , witch lips on Marcos lips anyways . Though she did feel a pinch of sadness.
The brunette was standing outside stars door . He knew Star wasn't alright even if she said so , he knew she was hiding something. But what ? They never had that kind of friendship where they hid secrets from each other . It just wasn't like them and they swore they won't hide anything from the other . But even best friends have their secrets .
Marco found stars behavior unlike her and he was intending to find out .
If anyone ever hid something from the brunette , he was never eager to find out . He knew that whatever they were hiding must have been for a reason and he would respect that , but their was something about stars secret that made him feel uneasy . Marco was never one to snoop around in others people's business but he was tempted to find out the truth .
" hey Star !" Marco said as he entered stars room pretending to act normal and be normal , like he hadn't been eaves dropping on Star .
The blonde jumped in fright as anyone would do if someone scared them .
Star swiftly took her phone from her hands and placed it behind her back trying to seem unnoticed.a nervous giggle escaped the blonde .

Christmas story (starco) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora