Chapter :20

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A couple hours later :

Star washes her face , which was now puffy and red . She washed the tears away and added some foundation on top to make it seem she wasn't crying .
She came downstairs because she wanted to apologize to marco , she felt she caused some part of this incident and it was her job to make it up to him .
As soon as star stepped downstairs she heard laughing and giggling in the kitchen. She thought by now Jackie would've left but no . She turned around to the right to see the dream couple talking and laughing away in the kitchen . Star knew tears were threatening to come out even more now . 'NO STAR NOT NOW !!!' She kept saying to herself In her head .
"Oh hey Star !" The sweetest voice came from the sweetest person and also her crush , Marco diaz . He was eating and enjoying nachos with Jackie .
The couple did one of those cute things where they both bit the chip side together and then kiss (single people like me can't relate..😑) . Stars lips quavered with tears attempting to burst out . While Marco and Jackie did this cute couple thing Jackie shot a mean glance at Star , which only made stars eyes water even more .
When the couple eat the chip together and kissed Jackie began in an innocent and sweet voice " is something wrong Star ?" She said with a hint of sass and meanness .
Both Jackie and Marco turned towards star who was about to burst out crying . " n-nothing... I have to go now..." Star said with tears forming in the corner of her eyes . She walked out the front door with her coat in her hands that she hadn't even put on yet .
Star didn't really need to go anywhere but she just needed to get out of there . She let out a sigh and the tears building up started to come out .
She sat down on the steps of the house and let out another sigh . She thought about all the things she wasn't and pitied herself for not having the chance to be with Marco .
Star heard some talking come from inside and that was the dealbreaker for her . She left , she went to her local shop and decided to get herself a treat . After all she felt hopeless and empty on the inside . She hoped if she got some treats it would make her feel better .

Marcos POV :
" why did star leave ?" The brunette asked Jackie . Jackie simply shrugged her shoulders . Marco made his way to the front door and took his coat with him . " Wait, where are you going ?" Jackie called out from the kitchen making her way to marco .
" I need to go look for Star !its freezing outside and I can't leave her like that !" He protested .
" Marco , I'm sure she's fine and why do you even care about her anyways ,you got me ?" Jackie said with a flirtatious eyelash flutter and seductively wrapped her arms around his neck .
Marco pulled away reluctantly " she's my best friend and I care about her !!" He finally admitted before pulling on his Jackie and running outside to go look for his best friend , leave Jackie standing their dumbfounded.

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