Chapter :8

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Stars POV :
The last thing I remembered was blacking out ,but I felt a soft and warm feeling on my body. I wake up to the sound and smell of the fire place .
Star takes a look around herself . She wasn't where she was before . She was back at the diaz house , but how ?

The creaking of the floorboard made the blonde head turn to the kitchen, while a person came walking out of . " hey how are you feeling ?" Marco asked as he  came up to her with a warm and welcoming smile on his face but not as warm as the hot chocolate he was carrying .
As Marco approached her and sat next to her by the end of  the couch , only then star noticed where she was . She looked down and a blanket was placed over her and the firer place was on .
" what happened?" She said as she sat up straight and accepted the hot chocolate from Marco .
" when I was going back I found you on the streets passed out ."
" oh......" Star said as she flipped over to the next side of the couch , not facing Marco .
" what's wrong ?" Marco asked
" nothing.... I think I'm going to my room ." Star said as she got up to leave .
"and by the way thanks...." Star said with a faint blush across her cheeks while she pulled back some hair behind her ear .
" no problem." Marco said with a sweet smile .

The next day :
Stars POV :
I was in no mood to get up or even move ! I wanted to crawl in bed and crawl up in a ball , that way no one can see or hurt me .
Last night I realized that I do have feelings for Marco, my best friend !
He's never going to like a girl like me . I'm not attractive nor am I cool ! I'm just...there.

A tear rolls down her face and onto the sheets . She couldn't do anything about it or tell anyone , cause no one would truly understand her .
Chatting could be heard from downstairs. Star got out of bed and stood at the top of the stairs to look down . She saw Marco , her crush with his girlfriend. He had his arm wrapped around her like a Christmas present and she rested her head on his chest . They both laughed and giggled at some funny comment and continued staring at the firer place while drinking their hot chocolate together. Anyone would have said it was an adorable sight , a young couple enjoying the holidays together .
Star rushed back to her room and dove into her bed . She covered her face with a pillow and cried into it . She couldn't except the fact that he had someone else... she wasn't that person .

" hey..." a knock was heard from the door . Star quickly turned around to see the face of Marco . Oh how handsome he looked in that sweater , add that with that sweet smile Marco always wore . Anyone would've died of that sight . He was perfect .
" Star Is everything ok ?" Marco asked . Star came back to reality and quickly wiped away her tears , hoping he didn't see them .
" yeah, yeah totally !!" Star faked
" ok... would you like to come downstairs for a cup of hot chocolate .
" umm... no I'm good..." Star said nervously as a blush formed on her face .
" you sure ?" The brunette said trying to convince her to come .
"Yeah ,yeah, yeah ! Go have fun with your girlfriend ! She probably waiting for you !" Star said as she took a couple steps closer to marco , pushing him out of her room .
As soon as the door shut and Star heard his footsteps go away . She leaned her back against the door and let out a sigh of relief. Her back slide down to the bottom of the door and she sat onto the floor . She pulled her knees to her face and crawled up into a ball and silently cried to herself .

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