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      Before I start..... Can I just
     💗THANK YOU ALL💗!!!!
idk why you read my crap but here you are.... reading my shitty books 😂. But on a serious note, thanks for 2K 💞reads !!! Honestly I only wanted like a couple read , you know just for fun but I can't believe that this book got 2000 frickin READS♥️!!! Again I want to show my utmost gratitude to you guys💖🤧 !!! You mean a lot to me 🥺💘!!!! Now I'm gonna stop this nonsense and you can go ahead and read the REAL Chapter 31😅.

The blonde headed downstairs hooding no one had noticed her strange disappearance. Even tho she hadn't been gone for the long , the panic still stayed with her . As she headed downstairs to the very packed living room and kitchen she prayed No one had seen her go down the stairs . She looked around her , making sure no one was looking or watching her . Even tho no one really was looking at her, she felt that all eyes were on her... a feeling that everyone knew.... showered her mind with those thoughts. Star couldn't explain it but it felt weird .
" Yo Star !!!" A sudden voice spoke behind her making the blonde princess jump and squealed in fear .
" wow , dude chill ." Janna spoke again . This time Star felt more relieved, knowing it was only janna .
" Star, what did you do ?" Janna asked star .
The blonde felt instant sweat thinking about what janna knew . Star feared that Janna knew about the scar across stars throat . So , naturally , Star tried playing it cool and calm , even tho on the inside she was panicking.
" what do you mean ?" She asked trying to seem like Star knew nothing of the sort .
" Star you kissed do realize he has a girlfriend ?"
Though Star was thankful janna knew nothing of the scar , it also hit her hard when she realized the trauma she faced a couple minutes ago with Jackie . That was also the reason , WHY she had attacked Star in the first place.
While Star was in her thoughts janna didn't think that Star realized how stressed out Marco was now about telling his girlfriend or not . It was all a big deal for Marco seeing as he had NEVER cheated on a girl .
" Star , you may not know this but Marco is freckling out....." Janna said quite concerned . And that was coming from janna , A rebel ,badass , emotionless human being .
Star immediately went wide eyed realizing she was into some deep trouble she had caused Marco .
" oh ," Star said as she had actually fucked up.. really bad .
"I need to go make this right !!" Star said as she was about to speed off to the most likely direction where Marco could be. Then janna stopped her . " Star , I know I give really bad advice... but I actually think you need to give him time . If you come and start bring this up again, he will definitely freak out ." Janna told Star . Even tho it was taking every muscle in stars body to stop her from doing this , she understood where janna was coming from . " if you go to him now , your only gonna make things worse...." Janna reminded Star .
" your right..." star admitted .

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