Chapter :37

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Marco managed to calm down Jackie which helped the situation. Poor Marco , he's too blinded by love to know that he is giving her love and attention she didn't even deserve. In Jackie's head she was giving herself a pat on the back for her well done job , she knew what she was doing was wrong but she couldn't care less .

Time skip :
It had been some time after the incident , Star and Marcos friendship seemed to be back in place and running smoothly . As for Jackie and Marco , they're still together which does leave Star a bit sad when Jackie steals him away for a date but stars learning to get over him , besides how hard can it be ?

Ting !!!!
A message pops up on stars screen , it's from an unknown number it says but Star knew better . This was the exact same number she saw last time , her best bet was that it was Jackie .

" you , me at 'Bella's boutique and chic' opening night party , be there "

Wait... why does she want to meet up with me at the opening of a shop party.... random but ok.....
this was old because surely Jackie didn't want her to come just to have a fun night together , they weren't even friends , they were enemies.
If you wanted to talk business with someone then why would you ask them to meet up at opening party ?
Star checked the address and poster for party and it appeared to start at 8pm .
Star looked at the clock above her and it was already close to the time .
Star walked down to the living room to grab something only to see Marco in a suit and tie , hair up and neatly combed  with the snazziest shoes polished until it seems like it couldve almost been a reflective as a mirror.
" damn , why are you all dressed up all snazzy and well groomed ?" She said making her way downstairs .
" Jackie invited me to go to this opening party of a new shop in town , it's called 'Bella's boutique and chic'
. Basically Jackie's friend is the owner of the shop and she wanted me to come with her as Jackie's date . Jackie says she doesn't want to look single and lonely."
Marco explained .
Wow , Jackie must've invited Star to make her jealous and feel single, good move but it's fine , stars road to recovery stars with getting used to the fact that Marco is with another girl . Hi Jackie thought that was gonna stop Star from feelings helpless and alone she was died wrong .

Marco left earlier because Jackie wanted to be extra early to be with her friend and help with some last minute party stuff before the party . Star almost thought seeing as the way Jackie treats her maybe the way she treats her friends but I guess not . Maybe star believed this as she never could've imagined Jackie being... nice .
This made Star a little shocked but I guess she doesn't treat her friends like her Enemies.

Ok I know this chapter is short but I only published this for you guys to know I'm not dead or that I haven't discontinued the book .
But hey look , IM ALIVE .
I'll most probably publish again tomorrow but if I don't it will be the day after





Thanks for 5k reads !!!!😭💓🥰🥺💕

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