Chapter :41

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Star didn't have a destination, though she happened to come across the neighborhood of janna and she was just the person Star needed to see .

As Janna poured a cup of tea for Star and listened to all her problems , janna observed one specific thing .

" ... janna you won't believe what a bitch she is !!! How does Marco not see that !!! Why did he believe her over me !!! His best friend and not to mention that he got back together with her !!! How is he so blind , he shouldn't be with a girl like her !!!he should be with someone like-like-"
" you..." Janna interrupted . Star looked at her dead in the eyes , surprised and confused .
" dude your basically spelling it out but you can't read it correctly . Your jealous that Marco is still with Jackie and yes she seems like the type of bitch to do some psycho thing like that , cause that's the type of bitch she is but what your implying is that you want Marco to be with you and not her ."
Even though janna never payed attention in school , got bad grades and basically lived in detention, she saw the obvious with stars emotions.Janna saw clearly what Star didn't .
" dude , you still have feelings for Marco , you just shove them down deep inside of you and pretend that they aren't there and move on with life . You thought your feelings for him left , but they never really did . Did they ?"
Janna responded .
Star took a moment to think and then let out a sigh. Though she didn't want to admit it . Janna was right....

Time skip :
It was Christmas Day . For Most people it was an awesome day , presents , lovely food , family and friends . Well that's for most people.....the princess wasn't enjoying her day AT ALL !!!!
Star wanted to go back home but it was too late to make last minute changes . She couldn't stand being around Marco in the same house and she could barely breathe the same oxygen as Jackie .
But for Star luck , the Diaz's were big on Christmas and invited literally everyone they knew . So the house would be surely be packed enough for her to get some space away from Marco and Jackie .

Marcos POV :
Looking back at yesterday, I regret it all..... I want to make up with Star but as soon as she got home yesterday , she went to her room and locked the door . She's basically giving me the cold shoulder .
And I can't even talk to her now cause the house is so packed with people , it's hard to get through to her .
To Star she was giving him the cold shoulder for a good reason or was she ?
Across where Star was standing she could see Marco talking to family and friends but for some reasons her eyes wouldn't leave his sight .
" why you staring at Marco ?"
Janna asks as she appears out of nowhere from behind star .
" WHAT !!! No -no I'm not !!!" Star reply's .
" then who were you looking at ?"
" I-I... fuck your got me..."
" I know I did."
" you see the thing is.. even though I'm super mad at him.... at the same time... I'm not.... I don't know why I'm this way but it just is..."
" dude , that's called love."
" then I hate it..."
" well I'm sorry but during this season it's the easiest thing to catch."
" haha very funny..."
Star spoke back sarcastically.

Back to marco :
He looked over to the other side of the room and there he saw star standing . He didn't have the guts to come up to her and apologize but he wish he could do it .
" uhhh.. babe , what are you staring at ?" Jakcie asked .
" ummm.. nothing..."
Jackie looked in the direction he looked at and immediately knew who it was .
" ugh, babe , really ? She's toxic to our relationship, why do you even consider her a friend ?"

Back to Star .
She was happily talking to janna , trying to get her mind off of 'you know who' and was maybe even starting to enjoy Christmas . Star was about to take another sip of champagne when she realized her glass was empty .
" hold on janna , I'll be right back ."
Star went into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get more drinks . When she closed the fridge and was about to turn around . She spotted Marco and signals in her brain were going off . She got on her knees and crawled on the floor , when she got far enough she stood up and blotted for the exit out fo there .
" Star."
She knew immediately from the voice it was Marco . She turned around and contained the anger .
" hiiiii.." she said in a sweet voice as she turned around .
" look Star could we maybe talk for a moment ?"
" umm.. I really need to go..."
Star turned around only to be stopped again by someone .
" oh there you two are." Mrs diaz spoke .
" some of the lights you guys set up feel down and we really need you guys to fix them . Could you ?"
Star turned back around and without thinking she gave a kind answer .
" sure ."
" great !!! Thank you guys so much !!!" Mrs diaz said before leaving .
Marco turned to star with a confused look but agreed anyways .

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