Chapter :7

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Star made the mistake of going back to the ice ring . She saw Marco.. her best friend with his girlfriend, kissing romantically under the full moon in the ice ring. What did you expect ? It's normal for these things to happen , romantic moments between two people . It's normal . However , it wasn't normal for Star. It didn't make her happy for him . She didn't cry . She just stood their , frozen like a statue. She couldn't do anything . She couldn't go over and stop them , she wanted Marco... but she couldn't , the most she would get from him was his friendship . She wouldn't dare to lose that too , she wouldn't dare to break marcos happiness.., even if it wasn't with her .

She sighed and turned around , she couldn't bare to see it . She felt so alone and unloved , she felt unwanted and somehow angry . But why ? She couldn't come up with an explanation for what she was feeling .

She walked through the streets of echo creek . She didn't have a destination, she didn't know where she was going . But she knew for sure she didn't want to be around Marco and his girlfriend. She simply couldn't .
Her mind was thinking about a million different things at this point . She let out a sigh of sadness, it put her mind to stop for a while , even if it was only a moment .
The cold temperatures made stars sighs look like stream , but really it was frozen air . It was like her heart . She couldn't determine what she wanted or who she wanted ? It was confusing to her....

Then.... she blacked out .

Marco and Jackie let go of the kiss . It was magical as ever and it felt like hours theirs lips pressed each other's but it was only a few minutes." wow..." they both said as they let go . They laugh at this silly coincidence and look at each other . "Im so happy !" Marco said as he looked at her gorgeous blue eyes . " me too !" Jackie said in a sweet voice .
Marco didn't want to ruin the moment, but their was something in his mind that kept telling him something was wrong , something was wrong with Star .
" Jackie... I'm so sorry but I have to go !" Marco said as he took of his ice skating boots and put on his old shoes .
" wait why ?" She asked
" Jackie I think something is wrong with Star ! I need to go find her !" Marco said before running away, leaving his date in shock and confused " ok then..." Jackie  said disappointed .

" STAR ! STAR !" Marco screamed as he called out for her . He ran through the streets like a maniac looking for his best friend . He looked around frantically searching for her .
He spotted something or someone on the ground , he could feel it in his bone . It was Star ! He ran up to her cold and seemingly lifeless body and got onto this knees to get to her level. " STAR , WAKE UP !" Marco said panicked as he tired to wake her up .
Marco put his ear up to her chest , she was still breathing .her heartbeat was going , but slowly . He checked her pulse , it was weak .

Marco picked Star up bridal style and carried her back home .

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