Chapter 4

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Marisa placed a rose on her grandma's coffin and left the cemetery. She knew sooner or later their house was going to get seized in two days, she hadn't paid bills in months. Marisa had to act fast. She arrived home and was shocked to see men in white overalls pitching a sold sign on the lawn. She rushed to one of them.
"Excuse me, sir. Your housing agent said this was not going to happen until the day after tommorow. I still have 48 hours to vacate the premises" Marisa said to one of the man. He took a puff from his cigarette and smirked.
  "We are just doing our job, Miss. You have 24 hours to get your personal belongings from our property" the man said taking another puff. He walked to the van that was parked across the road. " Y'all boys comin' or what?" He called to his other co workers as he stamped a  cigarette butt.
  Marisa saw one of her neighbors standing by the picket fence that separated their houses.
  " I'll give you a room in my attic for the night, Marisa. My husband is not home tonight" She offered. She saw Marisa hesitate. "And you may put your stuff there also, for as long as you need to, Jim barely goes up there", she added convincingly.
" Thanks Mrs Williams I appreciate your help", Marisa said to her.

As she lay on a single bed in Mrs Williams' attic, Marisa kept revisiting what had happened in the past few days. What was she going to do? She needed a job as soon as she could get one. Tommorow she would go to Howard's mansion and beseech him for another chance. She wouldn't risk going to the company, he'd embarrass her there. Marisa didn't sleep until three in the morning.

She was at the gate of Michael's mansion at 16:00 and Flora let her in. She was offered coffee by the sick looking housekeeper. Marisa told her what she wanted from Michael. Flora told her to wait for him in his study.
Marisa fell asleep on Michael's sofa. She had waited for at least two hours for him. Michael walked into his study an hour later. He saw Marisa lying on the sofa curled up like a baby. This woman had dared to answer back at her. She had decided she did not want to work for him but now there she was in his sight again seeking his help.
Michael walked to the sofa and looked at her, she looked peaceful in her sleep. Her dark hair went all the way to her bossom. He hesitated to wake her up.
"Muniz", he whispered giving her a light shoulder shake. He saw her slowly open her eyes and moved away from her least she wakes up in panic. He was right,  she jerked up.
  " Mr Howard, I'm sorry- I ..."
" What are you doing here?"
   " I came here to plead with you for my job", she said sitting up straight.
" Your job? Do I owe you a job?" Michael went to sit on his chair. She looked like a mess emotionally.
   " No but I'm asking you for one. I have no place to stay, my grandmother is dead and I need to pay my bills....I beg of you..." She started sobbing.
" The sight of crying women disturb me. I could leave and come back when you are done" Michael said to her. She quickly wiped off her tears. She was willing to do anything to get her job back.
  "I really need this, Mr Howard.."
" I have no space for you at my company. You decided you didn't want to work there anymore so I can't help you. You disrespected me. Now if you may, Miss Muniz.. leave", Michael said to her. He did not feel bad. She deserved it and next time she'd respect people who worked hard to get what they wanted.
Marisa felt her anger build up. She regretted ever helping him at the bar. She stood up and left the study. Michael Howard had made a fool out of her again. She saw Flora on her way out.
  " Did he help you?" Flora asked her. She saw Marisa was close to breaking down and knew the answer. "Wait here, I'll go and try for you"
Marisa wanted to keep going but she found herself sitting one on of the kitchen seats.
Flora walked into Michael's library, he was already on his laptop.
" Mike, we need to talk" she started. He respected her because she had been the housekeeper there for years, since he was ten. His mother had been good friends with her
  " I'm working, Flora..."
"That girl has no place to stay for the night. Why can't you just help her?"
  " She has no manners, Flora. She needs to learn.."
" You're just like her. You have no manners, she helped you that night. Why won't you help her back?"
  "Flora please, I need to work" Michael knew she was speaking the truth.
" Replace me with here instead"
  " What? Flora I can't do that".
"You know I'm sick, Michael and i need to resign. Let her take over for me, if you respect the friendship I had with your mother." Flora said.
  " Flora..."
"I'm resigning this week I need to rest. So is she staying her for the night and for the job?
Michael ran a hand in his hair.
  " Flora..."


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