3. The meet

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Elizabeth's POV:

"Its not nice to be mean to people. But then I guess you don't have anything better to do with your time do you?".

It was Ethan black, the son of the very well known and wealthy businessman, Stephan Black. And probably the only one who could get away with angering the twin's. He's also Charlotte's obvious crush.

"Come on Ethan." Charlotte says a smug look on her face "We where just asking a little question." Charlie nods throwing a smirk my way. The first period bell goes off "Later Ethan." Charlotte calls out in a sing song voice as she walks away with her brother and dumb friends in tow.

Ethan just glares after them and shakes his head  "Yeah right." He snorts out. Then turns his attention to me, who is by the way still frozen in shock at the fact that someone actually defended me.

"Hey, sorry about them. Just don't let it bother you though."

His voice seems to snap me out of my dazed state. Because I immediately release a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Turning to properly face him I am met with bright Hazel eyes , a small apologetic smile tugging at his lips. It immediately relaxes me and I find myself automatically smiling back.

"Its alright." I shrugged "Happens all the time anyways."

He looks down at me, a frown starting to form on his face. "It doesn't make it alright tho." He answers.

"I know. But thanks for standing up for me, nobody ever does that." I say looking down at my feet.

"It's cool." He simply replies.

"I'm Ethan Black by the way." He says holding out a hand to me.

"I know, and I'm Elizabeth Taylor. Lizzie for short." I respond briefly shaking his hand.

We grab our books and quickly get to class. We both receive detention for being late, and spend it starting a friendship that would last longer than we ever expected.


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