7. Prom Night

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Elizabeth's POV:

We arrived at Ethan's house ages ago. But after having junk food for dinner and making fun of each other for hours, we are running a bit late.

"Ethan!!" I call out from the bathroom.

"Get in here. I can't reach my zip!"

I try a little more and fail.
"Stupid dress." I grumble under my breath. Where is he?


I hear movement in the room before he steps into the bathroom closing the door behind him.

He just laughs and shakes his head, looking at me through the mirror.

"Hey Short arms. If only you would grow a little more. Then I would have a bit more Peace."

I playfully scowl at him through the mirror and scoot closer so he can get my zip. I'm wearing a red dress with no shoulder straps and a really long slit.

I usually don't do dresses, But then Ethan picked out the dress when we went shopping, and further proceeded to wrestle me into his bathroom to put it on

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I usually don't do dresses, But then Ethan picked out the dress when we went shopping, and further proceeded to wrestle me into his bathroom to put it on. Its a really nice dress tho.. Can't argue with that.

Ethan pulls up the zip and turns me around to face him.

"All done. And you look amazing Izzy." He tells me kissing my cheek.

"Thanks E". I reply my cheeks turning pink.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I reply.

And I meant it. He looked really hot in his black shirt with fitted black blazer a red lapel tucked into the pocket and black pants. His hair looks messy, but he makes the look work.

We both finish up and finally leave for Prom. When we got there I was literally almost blown away by how beautiful the gym looked . Fairy lights hanging on the stands. The decor looks really great. Live band playing and all. They really went all out for this thing.

When we fully step into the room i try really hard to ignore the stares directed our way, its making me so nervous I subconsciously move closer to Ethan. As if sensing my distress he puts his hand on my back for reassurance. He leans down to my ear and whispers.

"Don't be nervous Izzy, you look great." I mumble a small "thanks" in response.

A few hours into the prom I start to feel a bit light headed and really need to go home. But I can't find Ethan anywhere so I just text him that I'll be at home and leave in a cab.

"Thank you sir." I tell the driver when I finally get home.

He's a sweet old man. Kept talking about his grand kids the whole way.

"You're welcome dear, have a nice evening." He replies driving off.

When I get into the house I hear shouting upstairs and I immediately start to panic. I'm not sure what's going on but that voice didn't belong to any of my parents and it sounded pretty angry . I hurry up the stairs towards the source and immediately freeze at the sight playing out before my eyes .

Before I can stop myself the words leave my mouth.

"Oh my God !"  And just like that all heads snap in my direction.

" shit."


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