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Hello, hello, I just realised I forgot to show you how Dede's room looked like, sorry. So I am here to set things right. Here it is, stylish like Dede herself.

 Here it is, stylish like Dede herself

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Andy's pov.

I was sitting on my bed exhausted. I woke up maybe an hour ago which means it was three am when I opened my eyes to come to a horrible realisation that today is the day when I need to leave to Mexico with Harvey. He and Blair will be here any minute to pick me up and drive me to the airport. I can't say bye to the others because I don't want to wake them up. God knows that Jack would probably kill me if I did so at this, for him an ungodly hour. I will write to them when I get there. Maybe it will start another one of our unholy conversations. I am rather excited to go to Mexico. I have never been there and the country, the name itself, just sounds exotic and it keeps pulling me towards it. I love travelling, by plane, by bus, by whatever I am not picky about that. I just want to move around the Earth and explore new places. When I joined the band it gave me this opportunity and more. I can now travel the world and perform. I get to do two of my favourite things and it is just a dream come true. The only thing that is making me really uneasy about this whole thing is that I am leaving Bonnie here. It is not that she will be alone, because she is gonna have a whole crew of people only one who is not going to be here is me so that is alright. But she seems to be a bit off these past few days maybe a week. She just isn't acting like her usual bubbly silly self and that is worrying me. I am used to seeing her all smiley like an emoji with a laughing face or that one with smile and tears that she likes to use. These past few days she's been resembling more of the gloomy ones and I don't really appreciate that sudden change. I hope that others can get out of her what is happening. I had a conversation with Rye about keeping an eye on her so he is now something like my replacement, just he is not allowed to kiss her and other things that fall to the boyfriend lane. So no kissing, no making out, no hickeys (Livy and Kayla made that all clear even for me) no inappropriate stuff and no sex! Even I didn't get that far so that is a fucking no. Or better said no fuck. The light from my phone illuminated the room when I received a text from Harvey telling me that they will be outside in ten minutes. Well, sounds like a time for me to grab my things and leave to not so cold country. Finally, some sun let me tell you. I grabbed the hold of the handler on my suitcase and situated my backpack on my back. Of course, I can't forget my guitar, on what would I be playing if I didn't have it. I gave my room one last look. I hope it will look like this when I come back. I left to room silently closing the door behind me. I walked past Bonnie's room. It is so awesome that we have rooms next to each other, although it raises the suspicions of others nothing inappropriate happened, yet. I don't know if I was dreaming or if my hearing was still asleep because I swear I could hear a faint sound of music coming from Bonnie's room. That is however absurd because ever since we moved in here Bonnie has been sleeping in. She usually wakes up at nine or eight the earliest, so assuming that she was up at this time would be ridiculous. I brushed off the nonsense and continued down the stairs where Alex was already with the camera. I talked a bit to the roadies through it telling them how I won't be here for some time but then it was really time to leave. I opened the door and stepped outside. Blair and Harvey weren't here yet which is fine I don't like when someone has to wait for me. I was looking around rocking back and forth on my heels when I heard a click of the door and there was someone standing behind me, their eyes boring in the back of my head. I knew who it was but I was still shocked to see the person out here. 

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