36 Christmas edition

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Bonnie's pov.

Everything is packed, my bag with clothes is by my door along with my backpack which contains my journal with songs because there is no way I am leaving it here while boys are staying in this house for another two days.  In the backpack are also my headphones for the flight home, my wallet, plane ticket passport and all those important shitty stuff every travelling person needs. also, my laptop is coming with, I am positive I will need it over the holiday. Now the only thing that is left to do is finish wrapping up the presents for my brothers and for the boys. Yup, I got presents for the boys as well. Girls already got their presents a friendship bracelets for all of us. I doubt that they are going to wear them but I gave something to them so that is a check from my list. It took me a while to come up with presents for the guys. To be honest, at first, I just wanted to buy them a pack of sweets each and call it job done, but then I started thinking. Like really thinking with all the brain hurting and that stuff that come along the way. And I come up with amazing gifts. I got Mikey a Star Wars T-shirt because he is that kind of freak that is obsessed with Star Wars. He is just like my little brother he is also obsessed with it over the oblivion. I don't get it. No offence, I never really watched Star Wars, I just heard it in the background but I never really had that urge that told me I needed to see it. It was just never my thing. But I don't judge people that like it. Better move forward to Brooklyn's gift. With Brook, I was really creative and I bought him a monkey onesie. I know so original considering his emoji is a fucking monkey, but I was just out of ideas really when it comes to Brook you can't be sure of what to buy. He is a complicated type of person who likes almost everything but when you give him something he might not like it. I experienced this on his birthday when I bought him a pink T-shirt saying I love my girlfriend. Might as well tell you that Dede made me buy it but he didn't really appreciate it. Didn't say a word though because he is a good boyfriend. For Jack, I've got something extra. I did it myself. It is a blanket in a shape of spider web in spider mad colours, meaning blue and red, and there is also a black spider in the middle. It took me so much time to make, but because this past month I have been spending most of the time on my own, trying to distance myself from all the interesting stuff that would awaken my weirdness, I had a lot of time to work on this present. I just hope he'll like it. For Rye, I got something similar as to what I got my younger brother. My brother wanted a new nerf gun, so when I was in the toy store I thought back to when Rye was whining that Robbie took away his nerf gun so an idea popped in and now Rye will have his own nerf gun. Everyone will be happy. Well, not the ones her will be shooting but so far it is not my problem. And last but not least is Andy. I actually had a gift for Andy long ago. I always knew what I wanted to get him so the only thing that was left to do was to actually find the material for it. Which, let me tell you, was hard as hell. For one gift I had to find black, red and white modelling clay, which wasn't that hard but for the second one I needed acrylic paint and one of Andy's guitar and there is where the trouble's at. Everybody knows Andy hates when someone touches his guitar, so I couldn't just go up to him and ask him hey can you give me your guitar for a month or so, you will get it back on Christmas. He would much rather smash it against my head than borrow it to me. So I had to somehow smuggle it. I am sure he noticed he was missing a guitar but till he didn't find it everything was good. I am just lucky he has two of them or else he would be even more hysterical than he already was. I also prepared something small for all of them, it maybe took a lot of work but still it didn't look that good so I was hesitant if I should even give it to them but then I realised that if they won't like it I can just keep it for myself, no biggie. I am going to give these presents to boys all wrapped up in wrapping paper and I'll tell them they can open it on 24th of December because that is the day when we celebrate Christmas. I know it is weird but I just want to know their reactions the day I open my presents. So, yeah, that is the plan. I am leaving with girls at three and now it is just ten so I still have time to give them their presents and to win our ugly Christmas sweater contest. Yup, that's right. We decided to have a Christmas sweater contest. It is mainly just me, Kayla and Livy but whoever wants to can join. Though I doubt others will. Boys have enough ugly sweaters from the filming of Christmas cover and Dede's sweater suffered a terrible death in the hands of our washing machine and Brook who just wanted to help with housework and ended up shrinking Dede's sweater in a size of a doll. Well, other than Brook getting hit over the head a few times and my little cousin getting a new piece of clothing for her doll for Christmas nothing interesting happened. 

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