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Bonnie's pov. 

My plane just landed. Yay. I was in Germany these past two weeks or so. It was fun I already had three concerts and let me tell you they all were sick. My fans are amazing. I never imagined having so many of them. How even? I really don't know. I am on the scene not that long. And to be honest this was my first step in my solo career. So far I was only in Roadtrip and all the fans I had were fans of the whole group. But only when I was standing on the stage alone, with all those people screaming my name and just being there for me made me that I have actual fans. Like people that support me for me and not only the part of Roadtrip me. It was...different than performing with the boys. It was...more breathtaking and overwhelming to be there alone but at the same time more magical to just hear your name being called. Don't get me wrong performing with the boys is amazing we always have fun and it is always a phenomenal experience. But there is something about performing alone that I grew to like now. I am not yet sure if I want to continue like this or stay in the band. That is something I need to speak with the other boys about. I can't just do a selfish decision of leaving without speaking about it to anyone. That is the reason why I am going back home for two days. Well, that and it's Andy's birthday today! I have everything planned. I have an amazing gift for him.  

Isn't it cute? I spent like ages thinking about what to put in every gift

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Isn't it cute? I spent like ages thinking about what to put in every gift. In the end, I think I nailed this present like no other.  I am not gonna tell you what I put in each present because that is a surprise. You don't wanna ruin it. I just got out of the plane as I said. And I am waiting for Blair to pick me up. He said that he will be here and that he will drive me home. Of course, I count on him to drop some work talk into the conversation so right now I am mostly recapitulating everything that I experienced on the tour so far. Come on Bon, it was just two weeks not that much happened. Or? Well, I sure have something to talk about. After I grabbed my luggage I went to the vestibule of the airport where to my surprise were quite a lot of screaming fans. I mean is someone important supposed to come here? Like a famous sportsman or some pop star or something? 

"Oh my god, Bonnie!"

"She is here!"

"Hey, Bonnie!" Or they are here because of me. Uf never thought something like this would happen. And how did they know I was here? No one knows, only Livy, Blair and Harvey and there are reasons why they do. Blair is my manager so obviously he is informed. I told Livy through the phone because I needed her to keep Andy away from the main door. I want to surprise him. And lastly, Harvey knows because the two of us are flying together to Spain from here. Yep, Harvey and I have a concert planned together in Spain. I can't wait! I jumped over to my fans and took a few pics with them. 

"How did you guys even know I was coming?" I asked with a hint of laugh while hugging one girl. Gosh, even my 14-year-old fans are taller than me. I seriously need to grow some inches. 

"I might have told some fans." A male voice said from the crowd of girls. I looked towards the direction of the voice only to see tall blond standing there smirking. 

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