The Christmas tree

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The day starts with Emily and YN having breakfast.

Emily: YN, please make sure to see how the new bedsheets for the guest quarters go with the drapes.

YN: I'll get to it at some point.

Emily: When you say at some point it never gets done.

YN: If I say that it will be done then it will be done.

Emily: You said you would get rid of the gophers near the flower bed.

YN: I'll get rid of them now.

YN goes into his closet and pulls out a satchel of grenades. He then goes to the opening of the gopher burrow and proceeds to drop one inside. The ground then gives a little shake and some smoke wafts out of the hole.

YN: I got rid of the gophers.

Emily: I married a man child.

YN: And, I see no problem with that.

Emily: Just finish your breakfast.

YN then finishes his breakfast and goes off to check on the new bedsheets and then he gets an idea of what to do with the old bedsheets. With a smile in his eyes he runs off to his craft room.

About an hour and a half later YN goes to Emily.

Emily: Please tell me that you looked at the new bedsheets.

YN: I did, I also I made some clothes for Erika.

At this point Erika walks in wearing a hoodie and looking rather pleased with herself.

At this point Erika walks in wearing a hoodie and looking rather pleased with herself

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Emily: I would be mad but she looks adorable.

YN: Did you hear that Speer got a dog?

Emily: No, what breed?

YN: It is a border collie.

Emily: Modified or unmodified?

YN: It's a big dog so I'm not sure if it is or isn't.

Emily: what's his name?

YN: James, Snow loves him.

Emily: She's gotten bigger.

YN: She did have that growth spurt over the summer.

Emily: Anyway, I've heard that Benedict is getting a dog.

YN: But we have Erika?

Emily: While Benedict loves her he views her as more your dog than our dog.

YN: Why is that?

Emily: She spends the most time with you, and she sleeps either in your study or on your half of the bed.

YN: Fair enough. What type of dog is he getting?

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