Chapter 1

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It's been a few months since Elijah and I got married. My due date is just a is only a few weeks from now and I am just absolutely terrified. Things with Elijah have been good. He's been a very supportive and protective husband, talking me through my fears and reassuring me I have nothing to worry about.
I'm laying with him now, he's caressing my belly and listening to the babies move around.
"Having fun down there?" I joke with him.

"Mhmm...they always sound like they're fighting in there."

"They probably are," I laugh, "Jru and I were the same in the womb so mom tells me." I play with his hair a little.

"I bet. I wonder if they have had any luck trying themselves, Ross and her."

"Jru is still hopeful...the doctors said she's fine but they still haven't conceived...maybe it's mental- she does have nightmares still."

"Yeah, could be that....we never did talk about names for the babies."

"If there's a girl, I wanna name her after my mom, little Amy."

"What if we have 2 girls?"

"Amy and.... Lina. Lina is pretty." I nod.

"Okay, boy names."

"Eli jr.," I laugh.

"I like that one," he chuckles.

"And maybe a strong name...Like Orpheus."

"You're good at this. Have you been thinking of names on your own~?" He teases.

"Maybe a little...what if...what if one of them is like me...?"

"Gender neutral names work too, like Dakota or Jamie."

"Yeah, I like those too. Well, now we know our options. We'll decide them together once they're born."

"I like that idea." He nods.

"So, since I'm on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy, how are things going with Jru after our Coronation, King Eli~?" I tease him a little.

"Um...they're different...I mean- I'm still captain but I have a lot more responsibility than just the warriors. I look for strays in the outskirts, trying to get them to join the pack instead of becoming rogues...basically I'm doing what your dad did for me...taking me in, orphaned...alone, no one to trust or care for- I was a perfect candidate for a rogue...I almost fully became one but your dad showed me what being in a pack is...the pack became my family and never did I imagine I'd become a king when I first got here. It's surreal..."

"It was were always meant to be exactly where you are."

"I almost passed this up...I didn't trust your dad at first. I fought him when he found me. He could've had me executed for that but he saw I was scared and troubled. He got me in his arms and held me there while I screamed to be let go. Eventually I gave up and just cried. I was tired of running...hiding...just barely surviving. He showed me I didn't have to do that anymore and I'm so glad he did." He kisses my belly. "I can't wait to meet them..."

"Me either...I think they would love to hear our love story when they're old enough to understand it."

"Yeah, I think they will too." Just then we hear a knock at the door.

"Knock, knock~. How are you feeling Josi?" My sister comes in to check on me. She's been checking up on me since I've been on bed rest. She's been a lovely doting sister, making sure I have everything I need to feel healthy and relaxed until I give birth. I believe my pregnancy is distracting her from the lack of her own which I don't blame her for, she lost a baby and has been unable to conceive since. I feel guilty about it but she won't let me be upset. She wants me to be happy...happy she's alive and breathing, happy she's able to care for me, happy she can even try for another baby...she doesn't want me to feel guilty but...I can't help it. Darius tried to kill her because of me and I stood by and should be me suffering, not her. Maybe things would be easier for everyone if it was me...maybe everyone would be happier...I don't deserve it as much.

Traces of Elijah: The Path of the KingWhere stories live. Discover now