Chapter XIX

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We went to the kitchen, grabbed a plate of pasta with ham and sat next to Minho and another guy I didn't know.

'This is Cam. He is a med-jack,' said Newt.

'Hi! So you're a doctor right?'

'We didn't have doctors in our Maze.'

'I guess you didn't have Slicers then,' Cam said.

'What?' I asked.

'Where do you think that ham came from?' Minho asked ironically.

'Ok, that's gross. Too many details,' I said.

And like that, we ate dinner. The pasta was warm and nice. Way better than sandwiches. Everyone was talking loudly and laughing. They looked happy. Alby turned to me and said:

'So, what did you girls do in your Glade?'

'Uhm, we told a few stories we could remember and songs we knew.'

'You remembered things?' Cam asked

'Some of us did. I remembered one song.'

'Could you sing it?' asked Minho.

'Do you guys have a guitar? It would be easier with one.'

'I think we do. Ben, go check our storage,' Alby ordered.

A guy stood up, Ben, went in the Homestead, and got back out in a blink of an eye. He held a guitar very similar to the ones we had, and gave it to me. Everyone was completely silent. And then I started to sing.

(Almost in 2k, thanks everyone! Sorry if this chapter is boring, but it can't always be action... You'll get it soon, don't worry. If you've liked this, don't forget to vote :) )

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