Chapter XLVI

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My mother's image didn't leave my mind. If she was alive, I would find her. I fell asleep, and the dreams came.
A man in a lab coat began to talk.

'You ruined everything. The Experiments shouldn't have been united this soon. It's your fault. And now you'll pay for it.'

He pointed a gun at a woman sitting in a chair.

'Say goodybe,' he said.

I caught a gimplse of her. She had brown hair, just like mine, and her eyes were a bit greener than mine. She was my mother. I could see every detail of her face. My memories were blurry, but my dreams weren't.

The man pulled the triger and I screamed as loud as I could. Right before the bullet perfurated my mother's brain, she looked in my eyes and said:

'Be strong.'

I tried to stop the man, throwing myself over him. We both fell to the ground, but the damage was done. He'd killed my mother. I began punching his face repeatedly, and an animal instinct overpowered me. I didn't stop, and the man still had a grin on his face.

He was already dead when I stopped punching him. I didn't regret what I'd done. I knelt next to my mother, her lifeless eyes staring at me.
I screamed harder, but someone grabbed me from behind and put a hand over my mouth, muffling my screams. Whoever it was pulled me back, and I fell. But I didn't hit the ground. I kept falling into a void of darkness, still screaming.

I woke up, and I was no longer in the bed with Newt. I was on the ground. Newt was crouching next to me, calling for help. Clint, one of the med-jacks came.

'You're awake! What happened?' He asked.

'I think I fell. I had this weird dream,' I said. I wouldn't tell them about my dream. Not yet.

'It wasn't a dream,' Clint said. 'They were memories-'

I cutt him off. 'I know, I was stung. I woke up, talked to Newt and fell asleep again. And then this happened,' I explained.

'Oh, okay.'

They both helped me get back on the bed. Clint checked my stomach, and I realized I only had a small scar.

'It healed perfectly. You should stay resting for at least another day,' he told me.

I didn't want to rest, but I knew it would be stupid do to otherwise.

'You can go back to your dorm, there's no need for you to be in here any more. But you can't run just yet. In no situation. Got it?' He asked.

I nodded, and he left.

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