49. This Isn't Real

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I paced around my room when I got back home. My parents were downstairs talking and of course I didn't tell them yet. I know my mom is the most supportive person and she could never be upset with me, but this is just sad. It's sad for so many reasons with the first one being Joey and I. We were both too stuck in the moment to even think about protection, and I knew the consequences. I chewed my nails, wondering when will I ever get a break? I have an entire being growing inside of me, and I have no clue where to even start. I don't have a job, and I live with my mother.

At this point, I just want to run away from my life and forget everything that happened, happened.

"Riley, sweetheart, can you come downstairs?"

I aggressively wiped the tears from my tender face. When I glanced in the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. I'm mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. I could barely open my eyes, yet, I couldn't sleep.

I yelled, "I'll be down in a second."

I focused on my reflection in the mirror as my eyes scanned to my stomach. I placed both hands on each side of my stomach and froze. I have a human growing inside of me that I know will love me unconditionally, someone who'll NEVER leave me because I'll never leave him or her. No matter what happens, I'll never leave whoever you are. Wow, I'm going to be a mom.

After staring at myself, I broke free and made my way down.

Both my mom and Daniel were sitting on the sectional in the living room. They seemed pretty comfortable, but I let it go. He's here for me right now, that's what matters. He kept asking me a thousand times if I felt okay on the way back home. "Did you drink any water? The doctor told me to make sure you stay hydrated."

It took me a second to answer. "I'm getting water now."

My eyes scanned both of them before heading in the kitchen with little to no words to be said. I slowly opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. Within seconds, I drank the entire thing, not knowing I was that thirsty. I still really had no appetite, but I know that's going to change soon. My entire body is going to start changing and I don't even think I'm ready for that yet. I ran my hands down my face before walking through the living room to head back to my room, "Riley, would you like to join us for a movie? Get you out of your room for a bit." Daniel asked. I guess my mom told him I've been dealing with a lot since I've come back home. I hope she didn't spare details, but that's not like my mom.

I still couldn't believe all the stuff he told me about her. I mean, I guess she was young and being a mom could have changed her.

I'm not sure what they were watching, but I figured I would take advantage of the company. Since Cassie, my mom and Daniel were the only two I've been communicating with. I haven't posted on social media, either. I haven't really been on my phone much since the only two people I wanted to talk too, hated me.

I sat on the couch and tried focusing my eyes on the TV. I have to at least try, right?


When the movie ended, my mom decided to order food knowing it's like ten at night. It's super late to eat, but I'm actually starving now. She decided to order a large cheese pizza, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on a few slices.

"What did I just watch?" I asked, cracking a laugh.

Daniel's mouth dropped, "Kelly, where the hell has she been? She's never seen The Godfather?"

"Apparently not! It's a classic, Shelly." my mom exclaimed.

Daniel froze in place, "Shelly? I haven't heard that since you were a kid." Michelle was Daniel's mom's name and they gave it to me.

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