9: the black hole in the middle of the air

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It's been days since I last chatted with Danoh. I've tried to find a way to talk to her again, but the damn Writer kept giving me stages with Namju, Juda, and Dohwa. Like, right after Juda's accident with the art supplies and falling on top of Namju, a stage started in A3's hangout with my dear cousin, who started to plot his so-called revenge. Stage me had to help him out with ideas and how to inititiate his evil plans towards poor Juda. 

Then there's another stage where Saemi had bullied Juda behind the school building. No one was around, but me. So, stage me did her best to help Juda out by telling Saemi how Namju would react after finding out that Saemi is now a bully. I knew right then that Saemi has had a huge crush on my cousin, so after giving her a warning, she ran off with the other girls. Juda thanked me then and apologized for being so weak. The stage had ended right after that and before another one could start, I quickly told Juda that she isn't weak and that she's someone who is mentally strong, especially since her grandmother is confined in the hospital. With that, Juda knew then that she could trust me.

Then lastly, the stage between me and Dohwa started. Stage me enjoyed her friendly date with her best friend in the library. The whole time we read manhwas and said our opinions about the lead characters and so forth. It was sweet and cute as it lasted for only what felt like 10 minutes since the Writer skipped many parts of the friendly date. Right after our stage ended, I couldn't help but feel like my feelings for Dohwa are just... the stage me's feelings and not really mine. Honestly, I love having Dohwa by my side since he's my best friend and takes good care of me, but I don't see him as someone who I can be with romantically.

After those stages, I couldn't find Eun Danoh anywhere in the Shadow. It was like the Writer knew what I was doing. Since I couldn't find Danoh, I decided to hang out with Jimmichae in the kitchen and help him with anything.

It's the third day since I've been self-aware and here I am in the kitchen instead of studying in my classroom. Jimmichae and I are busy making something with a box and empty yogurt drink bottles. It was Jimmichae's idea to make a small version of the Stage and Shadow.

"This is really convenient," I spoke up after gluing the makeshift tree in the Stage, aka the box that is now filled with small designs to make it look like Seulli High School.

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