Ch. 1 - Oh Daddy

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"Be grateful I didn't decide to call 
you Daddy Dom instead."

- Jade

Chapter 1 - Oh Daddy

▪️J A D E▪️

"Daddy!" my shrill voice rang out from the second floor.

I was currently arguing with Quintin, my best friend, who was basically like a brother to me. Even though he was two years older, I still bossed him around, because well, that was just how things worked between us for as long as I could remember.

Right now, we needed an important issue settled immediately, so I called the one person who could provide a resolution.

That person was Dominic Giano Calvetti.

Just saying his name sent shivers down my spine. The Italian man was the biggest mafia boss in Aelbank City, and we had met him when I was just six years old.

You see, Quintin and I had been kidnapped and taken to a crime boss called Enzo. At the time, Dominic had just moved from New York City, branching out to form his own mafia.

What better way to make a name for yourself than to take out the biggest crime bosses in the area?

Anyway, seeing the tall, pale-skinned, silvery white-haired man as he entered the room had been like seeing an angel. Only this angel did not come with wings and a harp, but rather with a purple pinstripe suit and a purple Desert Eagle.

Suffice to say, when he had blown Enzo's head clean off in front of us, it had been love at first sight.

Not love love, but you know, the grateful kind.

Although, I would be lying if I did not openly admit that lately, I had been curious about what it would be like to kiss him.

When the thought had first popped into my head, the spring semester for my university was slowly coming to an end, with exams looming around the corner. I was sitting in my Accounting Analytics class and had ended up gasping out loud, disturbing Professor Mitchell.

Needless to say, I had been shocked as well as embarrassed, as I had no idea why I would even consider something like that. Perhaps it was the new adult hormones as I liked to call them, or just the excitement of kissing a man as dangerous as him.

Of course, due to the rare skin condition he had, Dominic did not look like a traditional Italian mafia man. Hell, his appearance I can admit, was appalling to most people when they first saw him. My best friend Blaire had given him the nickname Jack Frost the first time she had met Dominic.

However, in my eyes, his unnaturally pale features made him all the more special.

I blamed this newfound interest on all those erotic mafia romance stories that Blaire had me reading throughout the semester. It was part of her own personal extra-curricular activities to help improve her prose writing, since she was studying for a degree in Literature.

For as long as I could remember, I had always wanted to be a part of Dominic's mafia organisation, but he had made it clear that he would only consider my request after I graduated from university. And so, that is why I had been studying at a private institution for the past year, working towards my degree in Forensic Accounting.

What can I say, I was not about to let Dominic get caught on tax evasion.

My newfound emotional state had left me very confused, and it was something that I had been thinking about for the past six weeks, since my summer break had started.

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