Ch. 44 - Making Moves

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"What can I say, Calvetti is smart,
but so am I."

- José

Chapter 44 - Making Moves

▪️J O S É▪️

The next morning, back in Miami, José Hernández García was sitting by the side of the pool.

He was speaking with Miguel over a lavish breakfast spread, while the other Fuentes twin was on the phone talking sternly with someone.

After a few minutes, Roberto frowned slightly as he hung up, "The bikers shot at Calvetti and the others, unfortunately the only casualty seemed to be on the biker's side, as one of their men got wounded and captured."

Sipping on his coffee, José replied, "That's fine. It's not like there's much information to be extracted seeing as only Brian Tanner himself knows of the details, and we only give them to him an hour before things need to get done. The chaos has started, so we just need to sit back and wait for the right moment to pounce."

Roberto sat down at the table and took a bite of a piece of bacon, "From what Brian claims, Calvetti and the others were celebrating the Irish mobster's engagement and they were all pretty much caught unguarded on the sidewalk."

"So, who shot back at the bikers?" Miguel asked, his mouth full of eggs.

Roberto made a disgusted face at his brother as he replied, slightly impressed, "That young purple-haired chick we've been following for the last two years!" Turning to José, he asked, "How did you know that Jade would end up being a person of interest?"

The Cartel boss sinisterly smiled, his golden canines gleaming in the morning sun, "It was a hunch. Especially after I had heard stories about there being two children who grew up in the Calvetti residence. I uncovered it when I started doing my investigation on the organisation a few years ago before initially reaching out to do business with Calvetti and it was always something that bugged me about it."

José paused to take another sip of his coffee as he sat back in his chair and watched his men as they waited patiently for him to continue.

"It was only natural to have kept an eye on them since the beginning. That is also what the scouts were put in place for, although things have not gone how I would have liked, but we're still getting good intel nonetheless. Quintin's already a recognised member of the Calvetti mafia and works alongside Vincent," he said with a slight huff.

Roberto nodded in agreement as he added, "Indeed, for his age he's very efficient."

Smacking his lips, José stated, "Yes, but as impressive as that boy is, it's the girl that really intrigues me. Besides her beauty, I was curious to know what a young woman like her was doing with a group of ruthless killers. The sweet and lovely Jade recently turned twenty-one, and it's no secret that she wants to join their mafia. There's clearly something deadly about her that has allowed her to thrive the way she has. I mean, you've seen the pictures that we've been sent."

Miguel pipped in enthusiastically, "Oh yes Patrón! She looked so gorgeous for her birthday party! What I would not do to have her tied to my bed!"

Looking over at his twin brother, Roberto scoffed, "Yes, because the only way you can keep a woman is to tie her down."

"It doesn't matter," José waved them off, "if anyone is to claim that beautiful creature, it's going to be me! After all, it's been a few years since I've taken a new wife."

"Si Patrón!" the twins answered in unison, backing off, as it was clear that the older Mexican man had taking a keen liking to the young woman.

Contemplating slightly, José then said, "It's obvious to me now that she clearly means a lot to Calvetti, otherwise he would have gotten rid of her years ago. Based on the recent intel, I'm not surprised that they're fucking. I know if I had a woman like that at my side, I'd have claimed her for myself. Took him long enough! She's a wild one and I would enjoy taming her and watching the fire as it left her eyes," his gaze narrowed as he thought about the things he would like to do to Jade.

Taking a drink from his orange juice, Roberto added, "But seriously, I can't say it enough. Those scouts you put to spy on them was brilliant though, no one has yet to suspect anything."

"Of course, it's always the simple things right under our noses that we never see coming," the Cartel boss commented, as he lit a cigar.

Snickering, Miguel said, "No one ever suspects the pretty faces."

"Indeed!" his brother agreed as he went on to say, "It helped that they fit in so easily. Not to mention that they change the car every week, so from a distance it's almost impossible to detect them and even if they do, one would not think anything of the familiar face. The intel they've been able to gather has been monumental."

"What can I say, Calvetti is smart, but so am I and I learn from my mistakes. I will make him suffer, but I know that to execute my plan will take time," he paused to take a pull from his cigar before puffing out a ring of smoke, "I'm willing to play this out for years just to see him fall, and taking Jade from him will only make my victory that much sweeter."

Roberto smiled at his boss' originality, "While they're all busy running after the bikers, we'll make our move. So not only will we hit them from the business side of things but from the personal as well."

"Correct, and while the Calvetti residence may be heavily fortified and he never lets outsiders in, we just need to wait for the perfect moment, when they leave the safety of their walls, and make our move!" José stated with confidence before adding, "Just be sure to keep a low profile when you head up to Aelbank City to meet with the bikers."

Miguel nodded, his eyes full of concentration, "Si Patrón, I won't let you down!"

Clearing his throat, Roberto turned to José and asked, "Are you sure I should not go with my brother? You know how he can be a hot head sometimes; he might draw unwanted attention to himself and spoil the attack we have planned."

His twin made a face and was about to say something when the Cartel boss replied.

"I need you here with me, Roberto. Besides, you need to give your brother more credit, I know he won't let me down," José said with confidence.

Beaming at the assurance placed on him, Miguel gave his brother a pointed stare before he resumed eating his breakfast.


A/N: Favourite movie/tv series about the Mexican Cartel? 

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