A New Friend

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"They gave us the same schedule." Jean and I stared in amazement at the white pieces of paper. "I took it back I give us two days tops."

"Hello." A new voice said. A pale boy with a red beanie on his head and two crutches stood in front of us with a small smile. His beanie seemed to hid his brown curls that still spilled out. "My name is Grover Underwood. I was asked to show you around."

Jean stepped forward with a cheerful smile holding his pale hand out. "My name is Jean Barrow."

I rolled my eyes elbowing my best friend away. Grover looked at me a bit confused. "Sorry about him." I apologized rubbing the back of my neck. "I'm (F/N) (L/N)."

He took my hand and shook it looking still looking confused. "I-Is he uh-"

"Yes. Yes, he is." I smirked as Grover blushed a bit. "You can tell him you don't swing that way he's ego needs to take a beating sometimes."

"(F/N)." Jean whined hugging my arm with a pout. "My ego isn't that big."

I ran my hand through his golden locks. "Your right it's only as big as the sun."

Jean only sighed leaning his forehead against my shoulder. I smiled happily with my teasing of my friend.

"I-I have a girlfriend." Grover declared making us look at him with raised eyebrows. Scarlet overtook his entire face even the tip of his ears.

I chuckled patting Grovers back sympathetically. "Good for you man." I looked at my blonde friend who had somehow wrapped his arms from behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder. I tapped his nose. "No more flirting with him. He's taken."

Jean sighed smirking slightly. "It is a new school." He said pulling away from me. He winked flirtatiously. "That just means new meat right for the picking."

"Sorry, he's an attention hog." I apologized to Grover who was just watching this all confused.

Grover let out a small laugh which sounding like a goat bleeping.

"What was that?" I asked confused.

Grover's face turned a lot redder. "Nothing."

I eyed him skeptically before shrugging it off. "Weren't you suppose to show us around?"

"Oh, right."

Time Skip

"And that is the entire school." Grover smiled at his tour.

"They have a pool." I smiled at the memory of the glorious oversize pool of water filled with chlorine. It was better than New York beaches. So much pollution.

"They have a music club!" Jean said remembering the rather large room with instruments of various sizes. "I'm going to enjoy it here."

"Me too. Do they have a swimming team?" I asked Grover.

He nodded with a smile on his face. "Yeah, we do they practice in the pool a lot."

I let out a disappointed sigh as I looked down the empty corridor. "I knew it was too good to be true," I said pressing my hands together.

"You can always join the swim team." Grover offered hesitantly.

Jean laid a hand on my shoulder as I stared into the distance. "Sorry, she doesn't do sports. Ever since the accident."

"The accident," I repeated a bit more fearful. I gently traced the scar on my arm that was hidden by my blue school jacket.

"The accident?" Grover asked confused.

My Imanginary Friend (Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now