Happy Birthday

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"Italics in quotation marks are the fish talking."

"Bold in quotations will be someone speaking in Ancient Greek."

Soft snores came from my shoulder as I gently combed Jean's blonde hair. I smiled at the sleeping male who had fallen asleep a few minutes ago. The black screen on the TV as the credits rolled by of the second movie we put on.

With one last comb, I moved so Jean's head laid on the other side of the couch. I got to my feet to take off his glasses. I closed them gently before setting them on the side table. The small clock that hung in the kitchen read 11:57. Mrs. Blofis should be asleep by now.

I walked to my room grabbing my (F/C) blanket that was on my bed.


"Mistress we need food."

"We're hungry."

Oh, my fishes. I felt a bit guilty as I forgot about them. I quickly rushed over to my desk where the tank rested. "Sorry guys." I apologized grabbing the food shaker. All three of them looked at me their dark beady eyes looking at me expectantly. I dumped a few flakes as they swam up to eat.

"Yes! Foooood!"

"Simply divine."

"Its delicious mistress."

I cracked a grin at the made-up voices. "Of course anything for my fish," I responded.

"Happy Birthday!" A voice shouted making me jump with a scream but a cold hand quickly covered my mouth. I looked over to see my imaginary friend an apologetic look on his face. "Are you calm?"

My heart was beating like crazy. I nodded making him release me. "What was that about?" I asked annoyed.

He smiled at me and pulled out a blue box with a light blue bow wrapped around it. "Happy birthday."

I looked over to the clock next to my bed. 12:00 sharp. I smiled taking the box from him. "Thanks." I pulled the blue bow and opened the box to find a necklace. It had a (F/N) ribbon that was attached to a mini sword. The mini sword had a black hilt and a bronze blade. And the (F/N) ribbon was attached to two small silver clasp.

"Its a sword!" My friend exclaimed clearly proud of himself. "The blade is celestial bronze while the handle is stygian iron. The first of it's kind to combine both metals."

Wow. I nodded along like I knew what exactly all that meant when I didn't. I wrapped the ribbon around my neck as the two clasps stuck together like magnets.

"It will expand if you yank the necklace off." My friend added. I looked at him confused. "Just yank it off."

I decided to humor him and grabbed the mini swords black hilt. With a good tug, the necklace came off. The sword expanded in my hand. It was no longer a mini sword but a regular sword with the ribbon hanging loosely inside the bottom of the hilt.

It was awesome! "This is so cool!" I exclaimed not caring if I woke the neighbors up. I swung the sword back and forth being mindful of my fish tank. It felt right in my hand. Like it was a piece of the missing puzzle.

My friend chuckled happily with my reaction. "Now to make it small again just connect the clasp together." He ordered.

I nodded reach down to grab the end of the ribbon. I pressed the two pieces of metal together making the sword shrink into the palm of my hand. Experimentally I pulled the clasp apart but nothing happened so I put the necklace back on observing the small sword in my hand.

"Use it whenever you're in danger." My friend said. A fond smile appeared on his face as he looked at the wall. "My son got his sword when he was around your age."

"Thanks?" I drawled it awkwardly. Who knew my imagination was deep? "What's his name?" I decided to humor him, myself?

"Percy Jackson. He saved the world last year." My friend said his words rang with pride. If my kid saved the world I'd probably be proud too.

"Is that when you looked like an old man?" I asked amused. Last year my friend looked like an old man wearing a white toga with a trident. I waved it off as my mind stressing from the weird weather my mom had scared me with.

My friend nodded rubbing the back of his neck. "Yes my palace was under attack."

"Is that why the pizza guy was seven hours late? And why all those kids were in the streets?"  I asked him squinting my eyes as I tried to remember last year. All I remembered was the pizza guy being late at some time a bunch of kids ran through the streets with weapons and armor on.

My friend nodded a grim look on his face. "I suppose Morpheus only put the mortals to sleep Jean and you wouldn't have been affected. It was a dangerous battle and we lost a lot of good demigods."

"Demigods?" I questioned as his eyes widened looking at me shocked. "Like Hercules?"

My friend scowled slightly at the name. "Why is that the first name that always pops up when you mention demigod?"

I shrugged undisturbed by the distaste in his face. "Probably because Disney made a movie about it. Even if it was inaccurate about a lot of things."

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow clearly amused. "Have you been studying Greek mythology?"

I rolled my eyes. "No it's surprising hard they have so many gods. I only remember like three of them." My index finger gently tapped the end of my mini sword.

"Which ones?" My friend asked interested in our conversation.

"Zeus he's definitely the player of the family. Hades god of the Underworld and Poseidon god of the sea."

"And horses." My friend added unhelpfully. "And Earth-shaking."

I gave him a blank look. "See they have too many titles. I'm more impressed I knew all that subconsciously."

Now it was his turn to give me a blank look. "Subconsciously." He echoed sarcastically.

I glanced at my clock to check the time it was already 12:30. Time does go by fast. I let out a yawn as my body suddenly realized how tired it felt. "I better get to bed. I have school in the morning." I said getting to my feet and grabbing my (F/C) blanket. I stopped in my tracks as I felt something warm on my forehead.

My friend pulled back a sincere smile on his face. "Goodnight little seahorse." And with that, he started glowing and I covered my eyes before it could blind me. "It will be your last peaceful one." When I looked up he was gone leaving the smell of sea breeze in his wake.

"Seahorse," I repeated confused but the message disturbed me a bit more.  But I shrugged it off before turning off my light and heading to the leaving room where I left my best friend. I sat next to him making sure to tuck him into the blanket. I rested on the other side of the couch getting comfortable. Before closing my eyes and letting myself drift off into a dreamless sleep.


I know! I know this is slow but I gotta build the characters and stuff. I promise there will be an emo kid next chapter along with some action

Don't get your hope up I'm bad at writing action scenes so I'll have to re-read a lot of action scenes from the books to get it right.

My Imanginary Friend (Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now