How's Your Ancient Greek?

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School has never been my strong suit. I know a lot of kids say that but for me, it was very true. The worse class would have to be English thanks to my dyslexia it rearranged all the letters to make something I can't read.

And having ADHD just made me fidget awkwardly in my seat as my mind distracted itself with little matters. My mind would think about what cake to make, to studying students and the teacher. Speaking of the teacher she seemed a little weird. I felt like she was watching me closely which made me squirm in my seat more.

I looked to the right to see Jean with a rubber band and folded piece of paper. He was aiming at the apple on the teacher's desk. His tongue was out and his left eye shut. Then he let go getting a direct hit. But the apple didn't fall so he reloaded his rubber band.

To my left say Grover who was eating pieces of something shiny. I couldn't really tell what it was but I doubt it was healthy. He paused like he felt my gaze and curiously looked at me. A piece of shiny food hanging between his lips. He gave me an awkward wave which made me smile a bit.

"Ms. (L/N)!" I jumped at the sudden yell looking to my teacher in alarm. Her brown eyes narrowed into a glare. "What did Ms. Sinclair just read to us?"

I looked around to see everyone looking at me. Then I looked down at the book which I could not read. I looked at my teacher and shrugged in response. "I don't know," I admitted.

"She was reading a legend about Hermes and a mortal woman." The teacher said not looking away from me.

I rolled my eyes leaning my head on my palm. "Sounds exciting," I said sarcastically.

Her eyes narrowed a bit more as she forced a grin which looked more like an evil smirk. "Meet me during lunch, Ms. (L/N) so we can read more than."

The bell rang indicating the class was over. I let out a sigh of relief at least I don't have to deal with her till lunch.

The second day of school and I already pissed off one teacher.

Time Skip

"Ms. Howard." I walked inside the English teacher's classroom with Jean by my side, someone had snitched on him about hitting the apple.

"She's gone we should ditch. The cheerleaders were flirting with me earlier." Jean said smiling at his idea.

I nodded in agreement, I just wanted to see the cheerleaders beat him up. "Yeah, your right."

"Going somewhere?" We turned around to see Ms. Howard standing in the doorway with a Chihuahua. The Chihuahua seemed to be glaring at me as it growled menacingly. Imagine that small dog just growling with its small pointy teeth glaring at you. It's adorable but it sent chills down my spine. "My son wanted to pay you a visit and since our Patron is helping us in this time of silence."

I looked over at Jean who just shrugged just as confused as me. The only thing that stood out was the fact that she called the Chihuahua her son. Then again most people feel that way about their pets.

Ms. Howard smirked evilly at me. "We've been looking forward to meeting you (F/N) (L/N), you smell just like him."

"Like who?" I asked confused. I thinking of ways to escape at this point. But she was blocking the door. The only other exit was the windows behind us.

"Oh a young hero, he's older now but I meet him when he was only twelve. Lord Zeus wanted to me test that child with one of my most fierce children." Zeus? Okay, she's definitely crazy. She sighed resting a hand on her chin. "Unfortunately, the gods have gone silent leaving me no choice but to side with Gaea. As a mother, I understand her on a deeper level and I wish to get revenge for my dear husband who is now in Tartarus once more. My patron has agreed to let him loose once she is free."

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