Two Kids

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It's been four days since Echidna and Chimera attacked Jean and me. And in those four days, we've both been claimed by Greek gods. Our entire life as been shattered before our eyes. We've gained a new place to call home and new friends. And I've been given a pirate ship and a quest to save my new homes hero.

This is what happens when kids don't go to school. We can actually accomplish something in our short lives make some kind of difference. Yes, being a demigod is dangerous because monsters are always after you. But so what? I would prefer being attacked by a monster than by next week's math test.

"I'm back!" I shouted jogging over to my friends in the park we stopped in. Blackjack and (P/N) trotted over to me the black Pegasi obviously more excited at the treat in the white bag.

"You're the best Chief."

I smiled as I pulled out a plain donut. I didn't know if Pegasuses could eat sugar. The black stallion ate it like a champ as (P/N) ate it slowly.

"Thank you."

I walked past the flying horses to my other friends we sat on a bench. Jean was laying down his limps spread out as drool ran down his chin. Nico was on the edge sitting on the cold metal trying to avoid the blonde.

"I didn't know what kind of donut you liked," I admitted sheepishly as I pulled out a chocolate donut. "So I got you a chocolate one."

Nico took the donut looking over it. "Thanks." He responded taking a small bite from it.

I chuckled at the sight before lifting up Jean's legs and sitting on the bench. I laid the blonde's legs on my lap. "You act like you've eaten a donut before."

Nico's eyes widened as he took another bite of the chocolate donut. "I usually eat camp food or McDonald's."

"McDonald's is good." I agreed taking a bite of (F/F) donut. Then I looked Nico up and down. The boy was a walking toothpick. "But I don't think it's a good diet."

Nico shrugged indifferently as he ate the last of his donut. "Fighting and running away makes good exercise."

"Your just a beam of happy energy sunshine." Nico visibly stiffened. I swiped of Jean's glasses and put them making everything blurry. "Maybe for lunch we'll go get Happy Meals."

"Where did you get the money to buy the donuts?" Nico suddenly asked.

I giggled a bit as I scratched the back of my neck. "I might've stolen them."

"You stole them?" Nico chuckled. My cheeks heated from embarrassment. And I jumped a bit when I heard stifled laughter. "If you weren't Poseidon's daughter, you would make a good Hermes kid."

I hummed in agreement remembering Conner and Travis Stoll tell me how they stole a bunch of candy during the Titan War. Which is smart and something I would've done. I pushed Jean's glasses up so they rested in my hair.

"You should rest," I told him. "We still have a long ride ahead of us."

"I'm fine," Nico said.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at the bags under his eyes. Clearly, this boy is an insomniac or he just has a fondness for makeup. "You need to sleep a bit if not then I'll drive Blackjack and you seat as copilot."

"I'm fine." He repeated narrowing his eyes stubbornly at me. We were silently challenging waiting for the other to back down.

Unfortunately, our challenge was interrupted by loud growling.



We both got to our feet as our two horses ran towards us. I ran to them concerned. "What's wrong? What happened?"

My Imanginary Friend (Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now