Daddy Issues

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Percy's Point of View

I took deep breathes of oxygen once I reached the top of the water. My body was shaking in fear. Being confined to something other than oxygen was going to make me panic after being suffocated by the Earth. I looked around to see blue spread out everywhere with the sky above me. The only odd thing would have to be the grey smoke that came from the distance.

"Mama!" A small voice cried. I looked around frantically. It sounded young. But there was no one else here. "Mama!"

I looked down to see my limbs through the blue ocean. I could see a bit of (H/C). I had to go down. I took a deep breath before going down. Don't think about drowning. Don't think about drowning.

"Mama!" I saw a small girl with (H/C) pigtails standing in the middle of the water. It was like she didn't even notice she was in the ocean. Bubbles escaped her mouth as she called out for her mother.

I swam closer to her but she didn't seem to see me. Instead, she was still looking around with a panic look on her face as two streams of tears fell down her face.

"(F/N)!" Both mine and the girl's eyes widened as we turned around to see Poseidon, my dad, coming to us riding a chariot drawn by two hippocampus. Gods enjoying traveling in style unfortunately my dad is no exception. I was more surprised he was going out of his way to save this little girl. Then again he did technically save me when I got lost down here during the Titan War.

But that's because I'm his son.

"Popo!" The little (H/C) haired girl shouted as Poseidon's chariot stopped beside her. He still looked like he does today. He was wearing a silver breastplate with his golden trident by his side and he looked very mad.

My dad is usually really relaxed so it's rare to find him mad. Come to think of it I don't he's ever raised his voice, except when I sat on his throne.

"Popo! Mamas missing!" The girl shouted suddenly remembering her earlier search she seemed to sink farther into the water before Poseidon grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry about your mom, okay?" Poseidon offered the small child a forced smile. "I got some dolphins to save her and there waiting for us."

"Okay." She smiled believing the water deity as he placed her inside of his chariot. She held onto his fighting skirt that was a deep blue.

And with a good whip of the reigns both hippocampus swam towards the surface. I swam after them my powers not working in flashbacks, even if it wasn't my flashback. Come to think of it, where am I? It can't be too far from the present since the girl is wearing modern clothes but why is Poseidon wearing armor.

I broke the surface in time to see a dolphin with an unconscious woman that looked like the little girl on it's back. "Mama!" The little girl shouted standing with ease on the water. My eyes widened, there's no way. The small girl ran towards the dolphin unaware of the fact she was standing on water.

She landed on the unconscious woman hugging her tightly. Poseidon was watching with a small smile before he frowned looking at the sky.

"What happened before you two entered the ocean?" Poseidon asked as his chariot got closer to the two.

The girl seemed to have calmed down as she sat calmly on the dolphin. "Mommy was going to Englishland for work. I-I told mommy you said not to go on planes. She do not listen."

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