Court Time

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"The accused stand before us today." Octavian started moving freely on the open floor. He walked back and forth trying to make some kind of dramatic tension. "They have been accused by yours truly of being spies for the Greeks!"

I kind of ignored him as I tried to fix my weird dress. One sleeve was missing while the other was held by a golden pin. And it was a bit baggy. Jean was sitting next to me looking completely at ease. Which at this point in my life I knew was false confidence. Like I've said before Jean is the actor out of us two.

"Of course there's Percy Jackson," Octavian said in distaste. "But Juno, Queen of the gods, brought him so we couldn't deny her request. These two showed up unannounced."

We were stuck in what was like a recreation of the Coliseum with an entire audience. Execution seemed to be very good entertainment around here.

"What about Neptune?" I suddenly asked gaining everyone's attention.

They turned their attention to me away from Octavian. I looked over at Jean who was smiling nodding his head encouragingly. I took the hint and stood up to look professional. That's right if you act like you belong you can make it.

"Neptune is a Roman god. And he was beside me while defeating Polybotes." I argued making the crowd murmur in agreement.

"Minor god." Octavian automatically said cutting me off swiftly. "Neptune is not even respected enough for that title."

I felt a hand tug my arm pulling me back onto the bench. I sat down staring at Octavian, who had a smug smile on his face. Jerk.

"But you aren't even a son of Apollo just a Descendant," Jean spoke up his voice echoing around the Coliseum. He got to his feet and walked towards Octavian with a smile. Octavian turned to look at my friend with a neutral expression. But I noticed his fist were clenched tightly. "And we were sent here by a prophecy not because we wanted too."

He wasn't entirely lying. I would've loved to stay at Camp Half-Blood without being sent on a road trip through America.

"What prophecy?" Reyna asked as Octavian opened his mouth, most likely to ask the same question.

"Three shall go west to seek the three who are left. They shall travel by flight. One shall be taken and hidden from your sight. Daughter of Poseidon shall venture the ocean blue to follow them on their quest." I recited from perfect memory. Despite my wanting to forget it, those words still haunted me a bit. The green smoke and the fact Merida said it didn't help much.

"Nico di Angelo was the third one." Jean was quick to clarify so Octavian wouldn't have an opening. "But he's gone to close the Doors of Death."

Reyna nodded as her eyes seem to drift over to Hazel who was looking down at her lap. Okay. "As for the flight, we rode Pegasuses here."


I smiled briefly at Blackjacks nonchalantly greeting even if nobody else could hear it. My eyes drifted over to Percy who was smiling a bit. Well not everyone, I guess.

"And I suppose the 'one shall be taken and hidden from your sight' is also referring to Nico?" Reyna asked.

Jean and I both nodded in agreement. "We haven't seen him since he left," I told her honestly.

"What three are you here to retrieve?" Octavian asked somehow weaseling himself into our conversation.

Can we talk about the main quest to defeat Gaea? "The last three for the quest everyone at Camp Half-Blood has been talking about," Jean answered before I could. "The prophecy of seven."

Everyone looked at us with wide eyes. "Are we suppose to talk about that?" I whispered to Jean. It seemed pretty important back at Camp Half-Blood. It wasn't a secret just rarely talked about unless you were a Counselor. Other than that nobody really talked about anything else because of Percy's disappearance.

Everyone knew Percy was going to be apart of it along with Jason.

"Yeah because Jason has already picked out three Greeks," I said gaining a few gasps from the crowd. "And its suppose to be a team effort from both Romans and Greeks."

"Jason, he's alive?" Reyna asked. Octavian's mood seemed to darken at the noise.

"Uh, yeah I talked to him like a week ago." I wondered if Camp Jupiter thought Jason died like Camp Half-Blood thought Percy died. Well, the two were basically switched out for each other. "Apparently Hera, Juno, sorry, wiped his memories. I'm not too sure since we weren't there but he basically had to save Juno from Jupiters opposite."

"Like Percy." Jean made sure to add. I understand why he wanted the Romans to see us as equals. Both camps lost someone important to Juno/Hera, or we'll just call her the evil witch, and lost their memories.

I stood back up noticing how speechless everyone went at the sudden information. "You see Greeks aren't your enemies we want to work peacefully with you. And we have to work together to defeat Gaea."

"She's right," Reyna said standing up glaring at Octavian challengingly. The blonde seemed smart enough not to challenge her back. "Do you know what Jason plans to do?"

"They plan to head to Rome," I responded honestly knowing it was the best choice. "Their building a ship called the Argo II."

"They plan to sail to the homelands?" Octavian said. "That's suicide."

Luckily Percy decided to stand up holding a scroll. "And they're already done building it," Percy added handing the scroll to Reyna who took it from him.

Octavian didn't like this. "Don't you see what they're doing Reyna?" Octavian asked her.

She looked at him before turning to look at us three Greeks who stood together proudly. "What would you have me do about it?"

"Just let them talk." Percy pleaded. "I'm sure Jason will tell you everything, (F/N) just told you."

Reyna decided to look at me. She scanned me up and down looking for some kind of fault. "Do you plan on traveling with them?"

I nodded. "The prophecy did say to sail the ocean blue and help in the quest."

"Who will you be bringing?" She pressed. Maybe she was worried about the extra Greeks on this mission.

"Well, Jean." I gestured to my blonde friend, who smiled proudly. "Three is ideal but since Nico is gone." I shrugged a bit unsure. I didn't really talk to anyone back at Camp Half-Blood.

Reyna nodded. She turned to the people behind her. "Decide their fate now."

I gulped looking at the older kids nervously. In school, the older kids usually bully kids younger than them. I haven't been bullied since elementary school and after a certain incident involving a stapler, nobody bothered me again.

I suddenly remembered how it felt to be bullied by older kids. Reyna and Octavian were a few years older than me and Jean. Older kids are much cooler.

"Innocent." One of the members decided.

The others nodded in agreement.

Reyna gave us a small smile. "You may live another day."

I looked over to Jean with a small smile. "Yippie?"



Why did no one tell me how sad the ending to the Mark of Athena is? Like no joke I was on the same page for hours just wondering what just happened. 

And then I remembered this series was meant for middle schoolers. If I read this as a middle schooler, it would've made middle school worse than it already was.

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