Godly Annoyance

907 25 16

(F/F)- Favorite Food

(F/D)- Favorite Drink

"Are you sure you guys are okay?" A girl with black hair and dark skin asked for like the Twelfth time.

I gave a cheerful nod my cheeks stuffed with (F/F) as Jean took a sip from his goblet.

I was on the edge of the bench with half my butt hanging off. But I had Jean was pushed the Hermes kids the other way so I could sit properly on the bench. Despite being a bit pushy I actually liked sitting at the Hermes table. It was full and a lot of laughing like we were one big dysfunctional family.

The only weird thing was dumping some of our food into a fire for an offering. Which was weird but not really that hard to do.

But I felt bad for the kids that had to sit alone like Nico who was just poking his food. He would occasionally glance up only for me to catch him and he'd look down with a blush on his face. Then there was a blonde guy who sat all alone and he would look at the table where the boy and girls were loudly gossiping. Then there was a big table at the head where Chiron sat with a girl with red curly hair and few satyrs who were eating metal and stuff.

Oh, for dinner we had (F/F) which is the best thing in the world and the gave us goblets that filled with our favorite drink. As long as it was non-alcoholic.

So I had (F/F) and (F/D). And it was awesome! It was the best birthday ever!

"We have two newcomers today!" Chiron announced loudly making all the chatter die down. "We have (F/N) (L/N) and Jean Barrow."

We both stood up awkwardly looking at the kids who seemed to be sizing us up. My eyes landed on a girl who had bigger muscles than my head. She glared which prompted me to immediately glare back but I don't think it looked as deadly. And the people around her also had big muscles. Was there a god for big muscles or something?

"What about Percy?" Someone asked making Chiron frown and murmurs crowd.

Jean and I immediately sat down.

"It's taking a bit longer than we expected to build the Argo II." A girl stood up. She was also a bit muscular with dark skin and dark hair pulled back by a red bandana. She would've looked more threatening if it wasn't for the bandaid on her chin. "But it'll be finished in two months at the earliest."

"And we already have the people who will be participating on this quest," Chiron added trying to lift everyone's spirits.

Everyone looked around nervously.

It was the lonely blonde guy who stood up. "From what I've heard Percy is strong. I'm sure he's fine."

Nobody dared to argue.

"We'll find him before Gaea has risen. And we'll beat her at her game." He promised.

Everyone seemed to believe him. Guess he's pretty important to the camp. Normal chattered settled in as everyone started talking again.

After dinner, all the kids went to the amphitheater to go roast marshmallows and sing camps. But not Jean and me. We snuck away to the docks mostly to take everything in. I laid my bare feet into the cold water enjoying the feeling of it cooling down my warm feet that were tired from walking all day.

Jean strung a little on his guitar just enjoying the moment.

"If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything I could even learn how to love."

My Imanginary Friend (Nico di Angelo X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now