(Ch.28) The Contract

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"Can I kiss you?"

That was his fourth question and definetely denied .

"No you can't Mr.Shinso"

"Why? Is it because Im not desired?"

"I wont answer that since you only said four questions and it seems like you've used them all already. Which is why its now my turn to ask"

"Oh come on princess just answer my question and lets just have a normal conversation."

"No, I wont have this conversation with you anymore after you answer my question."

"Alright fine ask away, but are you sure you are not interested in finding the traitor?"

What did he just said? Did I hear right? How did he know about that? Could it be that he heard my conversation with shouta too!?

"What do you mean Mr.Shinso?"

"Well princess, my goal when arriving here was to be able to win the crown and be your lovely husband aside. But now since there's a traitor among us that wants to damage my future and yours. I decided I'm going to help you out uncover who the traitor is."

"How did you get this information Mr.Shinso!?"

"Hitoshi if you may please call me, and I heard you say it to a guy named Shouta. Im guessing that was Mr. Aizawa. How old is he? Isn't he like 25 or 28 years old.

So he heard us. Hitoshi heards us but up to what part?

"Up to what part did you hear?"

" I heard to the point were Aizawa-sensei was about to have sex with you! Something you didnt mention before. But of course Kanata was there as well eavesdropping on your conversation with Aizawa. His face was full of anger and nothing else. That's all I can tell you."

"What makes you think that I'm going to allow you to help me in uncovering the traitor when you might be it"

I couldnt let my guard down, what if he was the traitor. Up to now he's only being getting more suspicious.

"Besides what were you doing in the second floor of the mansion? Knowing that that's the floor were my room is at. What were you planning to do with me Hitoshi?"

"To have a nice talk of course, I just wanted to spend time with you but it seems that Aizawa got there first than I did. If you won't accept my help then dont expect me to keep your "conversation" with Aizawa a secret. "

" Is that a threat!"

"It might be princess Y/n"

If only he didnt hear us then I wouldnt be having another problem. I was not only at risk here but Shouta was. Father can't know about us since I dont think he will aprove. Aizawa is one of my father's most trusted advisors and friend that I don't think I will like for their relationship to get ruined. And that's because I can't fall for someone outside the competition. A rule that Aizawa probably forgot and I as well.

"And what do you suggest we should do. Do you have a suspect in mind?"

"Wont tell until you sign the contract"

"What contract!?"

Did he have a pen and paper with him or what?

"The contract were we will pledge to each other to be partners in crime to find the traitor and that it will also secure me a spot in the final round."

Those were his terms

"Even if I agreed to this I asure you that my suspicions on you wont be clear until you prove yourself innocent. "

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