Chapter 1

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Mal walked into ber hideout, well got pushed in by Uma and Harry's guards, she didn't say a single word the entire time, she couldn't speak mainly cause she didn't know what to say. She never in her life thought Harry would do what he did.

As she walked in she noticed that her hideout was different looking, it had pirate hats on the walls, a dart board with her face on it, but none of that bothered her, she went and sat down on the couch but was silent, she began to lift her knees up to her chest and started to hold them, she made a human ball as she was so hurt. She started to cry hard.

At that moment Carlos had come out of a room and seen Mal. "Holy shit..Mal what's wrong?" He asked as he ran over and sat beside her, he then wrapped his arms around her.

"" Mal said between sobs.

Carlos looked at Mal as she kept on crying. "Come on Mal, you know you can talk to me." He told her as he was holding her.

Mal then quickly let go of her knees and pushed Carlos off. "Leave me alone!" She snapped as she got up, went into one of the rooms shut the door and locked it as she was crying.

Mal then slid down the back of her door and kept on crying, she didn't wanna be a bitch to Carlos but she's afraid of how he will react when he finds out. She was afraid he'd call her weak even though she was simply afraid to fight back because she didn't want him hurt. He meant more to her then he'd ever know.

She heard  knocks on the door as it was Carlos. "Come on Mal.." He said softly. "Talk to me, whatever it is you can tell me, did Harry do something?" He asked.

Mal slowly forced her tears to stop as she slowly got up and unlocked the door, once she did she opened it up and just hugged Carlos. "I am so sorry for being a bitch to you, you didn't deserve that." She said as she was hugging him. "I'll tell you everything." She said softly.

"Okay and I'll listen, you know I will." He responded.

Mal nodded then broke the hug as she looked at him. "Harry and I talked, and after a bit he told me I could leave so I went to, but then he grabbed my hair and bent me over a table." She said softly. "Then he slowly pulled my pants and panties down, followed by his pants and boxers and raped me." She told him as tears formed. "Now before you freak out, I didn't fight him off cause he said if I tried anything you would get hurt and I would hate myself if I was the reason you got hurt, I'd be fucking heartbroken Carlos." She said looking at him as tears fell.

Carlos looked at Mal as he was angry that Harry raped her, but he knew now was not the time to show it, so he just simple pulled Mal close and hugged her nice and tight.

The two were quiet, they just stood there hugging eachother, no words were said, what could be said? Mal got raped cause she was afraid of Carlos getting hurt, and although you don't normally trust a Hook Mal knew when Harry was being serious.

The silence was broken by the front door to the hideout being swung open, and in walked Harry holding a crate of water and crate of food.

"Here ya go." He said as he placed them down.

Mal and Carlos broke the hug and looked at Harry, Carlos was way beyond pissed but didn't show it, he knew there would be a time and a place for it.

"Thanks Harry.." Mal said softly as she avoided eye contact with the pirate.

Now Harry wasn't stupid, he knew not to do anything to Mal when Carlos was around, so he just smiled, but it was a fake smile.

"You're welcome Mally." He said with the fakest of all smiles. "Now, news! Uma will be visiting in one hour to welcome you two back home, to explain what the Isle has become, to answer any questions you two have, so you two better be ready." He said with a serious tone before leaving slamming the door behind him.

"Oh great, Shrimpy is gonna be here." Mal said with an eye roll. "So excited." She said sarcastically.

"He's lucky I didn't just rip his head off." Carlos stated as he looked at Mal.

"I know babe." Mal said as he went and kissed Carlos' cheek. "Lets get ready for Shrimpy's big arrival." She said with a sarcastically excited tone.

~An hour later~

Mal and Carlos had been ready for Uma, and after a bit more of waiting Uma walked in with Gil, Harry, and a couple of guards with her.

"Carlos, Mal good to see your both up and ready." Uma said with a smile. "So fitst things first, once I knew you were gone for good I destroyed the border between the pirates and everyone else, then ontop of that I took all of your people, well mainly the kids and now they work for myself, Harry, Gil, and the rest of the pirates. Anyone that fights us on it, simply dies." She said with now an evil smirk as she looked at Mal and Carlos. "Now, tonight there will be a party at my ship, and you two are personally invited, the party begins at seven o'clock, any questions?" She asked.

"Yeah I have one." Mal said. "Uma, you and I both use to have the same vision to save the Isle, to make it a better place for everyone, why are you now making it into what it is?" She asked as she looked at her.

Uma laughed as she looked at Mal. "You are so cute Mal, that was when we were younger, now its all about making people pay! Pay for treating us like dirt, pay for spitting on our name as a pirate!" She stated.

"That wasnt the kids fault!" Mal said as she looked at Uma.

"You're right, it was your mothers." Uma stated. "She's the one who made the border, she's the one who got everyone to treat us like dirt!" She said as she looked at Mal. "Your mother is the one who was a piece of shit, not us." She stated.

At that moment Mal went right up to Uma and got in her face. "Don't you dare talk about my mother that way! I will fucking hurt you!" She yelled.

Uma laughed. "Touched a nerve there did I?" She asked before turning and walking to the door. "See you two tonight." She said as she walked out.

A/N Thoughts?

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