Chapter 27

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Mal was up on the roof of her hideout, just sitting there looking around the Isle, everywhere she looked she saw something that shouted out Pirates, whether it was the Skull and Crossbones spray painted on every other house, or pirate hats everywhere you looked, she hated it. This wasn't her home, this wasn't the Isle of The Lost to her, now of course the Isle was never the nicest place in the world, but it was never as bad as it is now.

As she sat up there she felt a cold breeze hit her face, it didn't bother her one bit as she was more focused on what she was going to do to Uma. This wasn't the same Uma though, and Mal knew that, she use to know every move Uma was going to make, but now Uma is unpredictable. She will do anything it takes to remain Queen, she has no limit on what she will do, she will hurt whoever gets in her way of being Queen, although all that have faced her so far have fallen, this time Mal intends on making Uma fall, when the war ends, and the dust settles, one Queen will be left standing, the question is who will it be?

As Mal sat there she came up with many different ideas for what could happen, she could get killed and Uma's reign of terror would continue, she could get killed but so could Uma and the Isle would be without a ruler, or the option Mal really wanted to happen, Uma gets killed, and Mal begins fixing the Isle. Now obviously there's no way for Mal, or anyone to know how it'll all go down, all that is for certain is that its goin' down.

Mal knew that Uma thinks she's safe, she thinks that she's unbeatable, she thinks that she is like a Goddess, but Mal knows Uma isn't any of those things, Mal was ready to take her down, Mal was ready to rip everything Uma has including her power right from her hands and that was the difference between Mal and Uma. Uma had all the power, every pirate on the Isle had power, which meant they had everything. Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie had nothing, no power at all. But that also meant they had nothing to lose, which made them a lot more dangerous then Uma.

She then began to think about the last time her and Uma went to war. Evie had been kidnapped, and Harry sided with them, then Harry got stabbed by Uma, but that's not what Mal remembers the most, what she remembers is what Harry's last words were.

"I can't believe his last words were-" Mal got cut off.

"I love you." A voice said behind her.

Mal turned and saw Harry. "Hi Harry." She said.

"I meant it Mal." Harry told her. "Look..I know you're with Carlos, but I would do anything to have a chance to be with you Mal." He said.

Mal got up and walked up to him. "Are you serious right now? You actually loved me? That's bullshit, sure you were nice and sweet in public and you've gotten better since, but what happened behind closed doors huh? You slapped me, choked me, punched me!" She reminded him. "Now at one point I did love you, and you know what they say, love is dangerous, but Harry you never did truly love me, and did you actually think I believed you when you told me that you didn't want to rape me? I believe Uma gave you the order, but I'm also pretty damn sure you gave her the idea, and heres why I believe that." She said. "Every time we were alone together you would grab my ass, grab my boobs, and hell a couple of times you even forced your hand down my pants to feel my pussy, you've always wanted to fuck me, and you had a chance when I was gang raped cause of my mother, but you said no because you wanted to rape me all on your own!" She said with anger in her voice as she went up to him and got in his face. "You don't truly give a damn about me Harry, you never did, and if you think I had you join us cause I loved you, you are so fucking wrong. You think its Carlos that you have to worry about not trusting you, no Harry, you have to worry about me." She told him. "Now, I am going to warn you, if you even think about stabbing us in the back when we go to take down Uma, you will regret it. I will kill you personally or my crew will kill you, but even if you don't stab us in the back,  you will always be known as...Harry Hook...Umas...bitch." She said straight up then walked past Harry and hit his shoulder.

Mal then went to the ladder and climbed down it, once she made it to the ground she looked at the Hideout entrance. She then turned her head and looked at the wall in front of her, it had a nice big pirate logo on it, she smirked then looked and saw a bag of her old spray cans covered in boxes, she moved the boxes and grabbed the bag and opened the bag. She picked out her green, black, and purple spray cans, all that she had to hope for was that her cans still had paint in them.

She shook the green one a few times then pressed down the button and smirked as the green pain flew out ontop of the Pirate symbol. She then slowly started to paint her mothers famous "Long Live Evil" symbol, but instead of it saying "Long Live Evil" it said simply "Fuck The Pirates" and as she finished she smirked. She then turned and walked back inside the hideout.

A/N Thoughts?

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