Chapter 12

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As the day went on Mal slept, and Carlos and Audrey looked at everything that Carlos put on his laptop from the phone Mal had stolen. He didn't find a lot, but he did find some information regarding Uma's plans and gad Audrey write it down.

In the room Mal had slowly began to wake up, and as she did she looked up at the ceiling then felt her ribs, they still hurt but nowhere near as bad as they did the night before. She slowly forced herself out of bed, then made her way out into the main room, she saw Carlos and Audrey working together looking at the content on the laptop.

"Find anything useful?" Mal questioned.

"Somewhat, Uma has plans to kidnap, torture, then kill multiple people on the Isle including, Celia, Dizzy, Squirmy, and Squeaky." Carlos told her.

"All kids...does it say when she plans on that?" Mal questioned as she walked over to him.

"All it says is above the list of names is 'This month' with 'Kidnap, torture, kill' right at the top of the list." He told her.

"That fucking bitch, she picked them because we are here and she knows they are close to us, well..Dizzy is the closest to me." Mal replied softly.

Carlos went ahead and placed his hand on Mals and looked up at her. "We will take her down." He told her. "One way or another, she will go down." He said softly.

Mal nodded as she looked at him then smiled. "I know we will babe." She said softly.

"So how does your body feel?" The white haired boy asked.

"Its sore, but nowhere near as bad as last night." She replied. "Which I guess is a good thing." She said.

"It is, but just be careful for a bit okay? We don't need you getting hurt more." He told her as he looked at her.

"I could always help you two if you need it." Audrey chimed in.

Mal and Carlos looked back at Audrey, Mal glared and Carlos smiled. "That'd be great Audrey." Carlos said.

"No it wouldn't, she's too nice." Mal quickly said.

"Mal, she's helped so far." Carlos told her.

"Hmmm okay well Princess let me ask you this." Mal said as she walked over to Audrey. "Have you ever physically hurt someone and enjoyed it?" She questioned.

"Well of course not." Audrey replied.

"See she's useless." Mal replied as she turned and looked at Carlos.

"I can hurt people if I have too." Audrey said.

Mal laughed. "I'll believe it when I see it princess." She said as she looked back at Audrey.

"Look, Mal I'll work with her on fighting and getting tougher." Carlos told her.

"Good luck with that." Mal said with a chuckle as she went and sat at the table.

"Audrey, we will begin training today alright?" Carlos questioned as he looked at her.

"Alright Carlos." Audrey said as she looked at him.

"Okay well, I'm headed out today to go-" Mal was quickly cut off.

"If your going to see Uma again, no Mal that's a bad idea." Carlos stated. "You're still hurt." He said.

"Carlos, I don't think I'm ever gonna feel one hundred percent better again, and I can't let that stop me." She replied.

"No, but I don't want you going out there in the pain you are in." He said as he was worried about Mal.

"I'll be fine." Mal told him. "Just trust me, besides you need to train that Princess over there on how to fight, be tough, and so much more." She said.

Carlos looked at her knowing he wasn't going to win this, so he sighed. "Fine." He said.

"Good, either way I'm headed out tonight, it'll be safer for me anyways cause her guards aren't gonna be as active cause tonight is her huge team meeting she's apparently going to have." She replied.

"How'd you find that out?" Audrey replied.

"It was listed on a piece of paper in her ship." Mal said as she turned to look at Audrey.

"Okay well be careful." Carlos said softly as he looked at her.

"I will be babe, I promise." Mal said as she went and kissed his cheek.

~That night~

Mal had left the hideout leaving Carlos and Audrey to train, she then quickly snuck to Uma's house, it didn't take her long as there will no guards out due to the meeting.

Once she got there, she quickly climbed the ladder on the side of her house and got near the upstairs window, she looked in quickly and saw guard entering as Uma stood at the front, quickly the door shut and Uma looked around the room.

"Okay as you all know we are down a man tonight, Harry yesterday left us and well we are going to move on without him." Uma stated which freaked Mal out a bit, but she knew she had to focus on Umas words. "Our plan to kidnap, torture, and kill some more kids will be happening soon, but I want us all on the same page so, we're gonna start off with kidnapping the kids, then lock them in a room and feed them very little for a few days, then we can begin to full torture them." She stated as she looked at her guards. "Cut their fingers off, break their arms and so much more, then hopefully every kid will respect us." She said. "They didn't even after we wasted the so called "Core Four's" parents when our takeover began." She said to them. "And I don't give a fuck if Mal and Carlos are here, they'll be dead soon enough as it is, I mean Gil here already beat the shit out of Mal." She said with a wicked laugh. "Soon enough that pathetic weak excuse for a boyfriend she has will get hurt too." She said with her laugh again.

As soon as Mal heard that she got pissed almost instantly, it wasn't even the fact that Uma basically just admitted to killing her mother, it was the fact that she called her boyfriend 'weak' and 'pathetic' and said he will get hurt too. She knew there was nothing she could do now, so she quickly went down the ladder and was about to start walking back to the hideout, but as she was going too she felt something hard hit the back of her head and she fell to the ground knocked out.

A/N Thoughts? Also the next chapter is gonna be a bit different.

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