Chapter 13

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Harry was sitting at a table in what use to be Mals hideout, he looked over at the TV screen and watched as the Coronation began, this was his chance to tell Uma she was wrong. He sat there watching as Ben walked to the front, he watched as the crown was placed on his head, and he also watched nobody grab the wand.

He took his hat off and placed it on the table and sighed. "Damn it Mal." He said as he ran his hand through his hair. "You had to turn your back on us." He said as he slammed his fist down on the table.

He got up and began to think of a way to take down Uma on his own, but he knew it was no use cause she had every single pirate on her side, including Gil. So he took a deep breath and put his hat on then headed out the front door. He headed to Umas place and once she got there he knocked on the door and almost immediately Uma answered the door, she looked at Harry and smirked.

"Look who's back." She said with a laugh.

"We made a deal, and I was wrong so I'm here like I said I would be." Harry replied hating every word.

"Good, now get in here its time for the meeting." Uma stated as she pulled Harry in.

The two walked in and Uma shut the fromt door and locked it then pushed Harry into the main room, she went to the front of it and looked at everyone.

"Everyone please welcome back the pirate thats finally seen the light, Harry." She stated. "Now Harry you are on thin ice so remember that." She told him as he nodded. "Anyways, boys! Today is our day to rule, today begins our reign as the rulers of the Isle, and it will begin with the border that was built years ago, being takem down by us! Then infiltrate Maleficent's castle and take her down, and take everyone else down." She stated. "Now, the rest of you will break into every house and basically tell the kids and their parents that they work for us, and if they try to argue shoot them straight up." She said. "This is our time! Now all of you get going, except Harry and Gil you two stay here." She said as she turned and looked at them.

Quickly every guard piled out and Harry and Gil sat down in a couple of chairs, Uma turned and looked at them.

"I'll be back in a bit, you two talk." She said as she went and walked out of the room.

Harry looked straight at Gil. "Why are you doing all this?" He asked.

"What are you talking about Harry?" Gil questioned as he looked at Harry.

"Why are you sided with Uma? Why didn't you walk with me when I left?" The son of Captain Hook asked.

"Because Uma knows what she's doing." The blonde pirate said in response.

"No she doesn't, she's going on a power trip because Mal-" The pirate was gonna continue but got cut off.

"Mal what? Abandoned us?" Gil said cutting Harry off. "She turned her back on us Harry, she doesn't care about any of us, so smarten up, Uma knows exactly what she's doing." He said as he got up.

Harry looked at Gil knowing this wasn't the same Gil as before, he knew Uma had him wrapped around her finger so he sighed as he knew it wasn't worth the time or the effort to talk to him.

"Look, if you wanna remain her bitch that's fine but-" Harry was then cut off again.

"Stop it Harry, I won't tell Uma about the things you are saying if you stop now." Gil told him.

Harry rolled his eyes then kicked a chair as he went and sat down.

~Over a year later~

"Okay boys, I just sent out that video to Auradon so Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie should be here within the next couple of days." Uma said as she walked over to Harry and Gil. "Harry, you will talk to Mal and Carlos about the Isle and their home, then well Harry you will break Mal in the same way I told you to break Dizzy." She said with a smirk as she walked over to Harry and slightly rubbed his cheek with her hand. "But this time you'll actually break her mentally, I want her completely broken do you understand?" She questioned.

"Yes Captain." Harry responded as he looked at her.

"Good boy." Uma said softly as she smiled looking at him, then patted his cheek softly. "Now Gil, you'll do the same to Evie that you did to Celia understand?" She questioned.

"Yes my Queen." Gil quickly replied.

"Good, now I'm gonna head back to my place and plan everything out." Uma said as she walked off.

Harry looked at Gil and shook his head. "Your not going to actually rape Evie are you?" He asked.

"Well yeah, that's what Uma said to do, aren't you going to do that to Mal?" Gil responded.

"I want to live so unfortunately yes, cause Uma told me if I disobeyed her I'd be dead.." Harry responded softly.

"It has to be done, trust me on this one, I don't like it either but-" Gil said before getting cut off.

"Then don't, side with me and we can take her down together Gil." Harry said as he walked up to the blonde pirate.

"We can't do that Harry, we swore our loyalty to her." Gil reminded him.

"Who the fuck cares?" Harry questioned, but then leaned in slowly and kissed Gil on the lips before backing off. "I don't." He said softly.

Gil stood there a bit shocked by the feeling of Harry's lips on his, but he quickly shook his head and looked at Harry. "No, just no, I care and that's that." He said.

A/N Sooo obviously this was a much different chapter then normal, it was a flashback chapter basically letting you guys see more of Harry, now will Harry be seen again? Maybe, maybe not, but thoughts?

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