Chapter 9

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Carlos and Audrey were alone in the hideout as Mal had headed out to do some more scouting of Uma's ship. As the two were left alone Carlos was going through the plans that Mal had written up, and Audrey was sitting on the couch just thinking, as she was she decided to ask Carlos something.

"Carlos...can I ask you a question?" She asked softly.

Carlos looked over at Audrey and walked over to her. "What's up?" He asked.

"Earlier...when Mal said I could whore myself out and that I'm good at I actually dress like I'm a whore normally? Like during the entire time we've known eachother, did you ever think I was a whore?" She asked softly as she looked at him.

Carlos quickly sat beside her and looked at her. "No you don't, and no I've never thought that, she's just...I guess worried that I'll leave her for you again, she's not fully thinking when she says the things she says, she's just a the word?" He asked himself.

"Overprotective?" Audrey said in response.

"Yeah, thats it." He replied. "She's afraid of losing me, and although I know you don't plan on taking me from her, she doesn't believe that." He told her.

"Is there anything you think I could do that would get her to trust me?" Audrey questioned.

Carlos took a deep breath and looked at Audrey. "Honestly, I don't know." He said. "I think it's just a matter of you being who you truly are especially in front of her and eventually she should trust you." He told her.

Audrey nodded then hugged Carlos softly, meanwhile Mal had made it to Uma's ship but stayed out of sight.

She looked around and spotted at least four guards at the top, two at the entrance, and that wasn't all. Every entrance on the ship had at the least two guards in front of it, Mal figured that Uma found out about her little break in and now she's put extra guards on the doors to prevent it from happening again.

Mal slowly made her way up through the forest to get a better look at Uma's ship from high up. As she looked down at the ship she began to count the guards, there were at least twenty on the ship alone, plus the six outside of the ship. She looked around for any open spot, but didn't find one at all.

She then made her way through the forest some more to see the ship at a different angle which was perfect, she almost instantly saw Gil and Harry sitting down talking, most likely discussing what they are gonna have the Isle kids do next, it made Mal sick to her stomach to think of what Uma, Harry, and Gil had done to the Isle. Even though her mother raised her to be fully evil and Mal herself had beat up quite a few of the Isle kids, she didn't like seeing them as slaves.

As she was looking down hoping to hear even a little bit of Harry and Gils conversation she felt a hand grab her shoulder, and almost immediately she got up turned around kicked the person's knee then kneed the person in the face. Once the person fell she looked and saw it was one of Uma's guards. She smirked then went down and went into his pockets and felt a key, she grabbed it then put it in her pocket, she then checked his other pocket and found a cellphone, she took that as well and put it in her pocket.

She then ran down the path she had climbed up, she went through the forest in less then a minute and quickly ran off from Uma's ship. She knew she didn't have much time till the guard was found or woke up, but she also knew she had to check the phone as soon as possible in hopes that there's something on it she could use to her advantage. Now normally Mal would head to her hideout but not this time, she headed to her mothers castle.

It only took her a couple of minutes to get there and as she did she took a deep breath looking at the big wooden doors, she hadn't been in her mothers castle in over a year, she was worried her mother was on the other side of the door and ready to hurt her. She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them and slowly walked up to the doors, she then began to push them open slowly feeling more and more nervous as they opened up, but once they opened up all the way she sighed in relief as her mother was nowhere to be found, in fact it looked like nobody had been there in months, the fridge was on the floor, her mothers chair was broken in half along with so much else.

She closed the doors slowly behind her as she looked around at the destruction, she figured it must have been the pirates when they first took over the Isle, but she was wondering what happened to her mother, but at the same time she couldn't think about that for too long as she ran up the stairs and into her old bedroom which was surprisingly the same as before.

She figured Harry had something to do with it as he kinda helped her design it, she then ran over to her old desk and opened one of the droors and pulled out an old notebook of hers. She quickly opened it up to a fresh page then pulled the phone out of her pocket and went into it, she grabbed a pencil and went into the phones messages, she didn't find any worded messages but saw a photo was sent from Uma. She went into the messages and opened up the photo and looked at it, it was not only the entire map of Uma's ship but it was also where wvery guard was to stand. She smirked as she slowly traced the photo into her notebook, now she was a step ahead of Uma.

A/N So this chapter wasn't dialouge heavy, did you guys enjoy that or do you prefer more dialouge? Also thoughts on the chapter?

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