Chapter 30

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The sun began to rise slowly in the morning, today was the day, today was the war. As the sun was rising the Isle looked different, for the first time ever there were no clouds, the sun shined bright on the Isle giving it a whole new feel and a whole new look.

Meanwhile Mal had slowly began to wake up, as her eyes slowly opened. Once they opened all the way she sat up and began to stretch, once she was done stretching she moved the blanket and got out of bed. She then went and looked into her mirror and took a deep breath. She knew that there was a chance that her and her team will fail and Uma will continue to rule, there was nothing in her body telling her otherwise. She turned away from the mirror and went to the dresser, once she got up to it she opened up one of the drawers and began to pull out an outfit she had, it was purple and it looked like it was made out of some type of leather.

She got the top and the pants out and put them on the bed, she then took the clothes she was wearing off and began to put the pants on followed by the top, she then went to the coat rack and grabbed her jacket and put it on, she had to make sure she was prepared, there wasn't anytime to waste.

Once she was dressed she looked at Carlos and smiled. She knew that was the love of her life, nobody ever made her feel the way he does, every time she's with him she feels loved, she walked over to him bent down and kissed his head. She was in no rush to wake everyone up, everyone had to be well rested before the war. Mal however she was well rested she was scared, scared she'd lose Carlos, scared she'd fail the Isle, scared that she'd lose everything.

She then sat on the bed and looked at Carlos, she then began to think about the day that her anger almost ruined everything for good.

"Okay Mal just breathe and calm down." He said looking at her.

Mal stood up and looked at him. "Calm down?! She's killing everyone on the Isle that's not a pirate! I didn't particularly like people on the Isle but I didn't want them dead!!" She yelled as she got closer to him as he backed up and hit a wall she got close to him. "Once this stupid plan to get the wand is done I'm going to the Isle and ending that pathetic pirate!!" She yelled.

"Mal." He replied. "That isn't the best-" he was then cut off by Mal covering his mouth.

"Stop fucking telling me what I should and shouldn't do!! Now I'm making my own choices!" She snapped before taking her hand away and walking to her door opening it then walking out and slamming it shut.

That was her wake up call about her anger but what followed really made her realize how bad her anger was.

Once she got there she started banging on the door and after a few minutes Audrey opened the door.

"Oh uh-" The daughter of Aurora said before being cut off by Mal shoving her.

"You have a goddamn death wish princess?!" She yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Audrey questioned as she was on the ground.

All of a sudden Carlos ran to Audrey's dorm once he saw Mal and he quickly got in front of her and saw her eyes glowing a whole different shade of green.

"Woah Mal." He said looking at her.

Mal quickly shoved Carlos down. "Carlos I'll fucking deal with you later!! Leave me alone now!" She yelled.

Carlos got up and looked at her. "Mal you need to calm down!!" He yelled as he decided it was about time he finally properly stood up to her.

"Don't tell me what to do DeVil!!"" The purple haired girl snapped.

"Or what?!" He snapped back.

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