Chapter 19

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Mal was in her room looking at the map of Umas ship trying to plan the attack, but unfortunately she couldn't focus due to being so worried about Carlos. She was afraid that he'd never be the same, she was afraid he was hurt to the point where hes messed up for life, and as she was freaking out Jay walked in and went beside her.

"Hey..can we talk?" He asked.

Mal looked at him. "Sure." She said as she went and sat on her bed.

Jay shut the door then went and sat beside her. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Well let's see, Uma's destroying my home, Carlos is half dead, I feel like shit, so I'm not feeling so well." She said.

Jay put his hand on her leg. "Well, part of the reason I'm back is to help, now I know you and I aren't best friends but I want you to know that if you ever need me, I'll be here for you Mal, you mean a lot to me whether you believe it or not." He said. "And Evie and I are gonna help you deal with Uma, because remember this is our home too, yeah Auradon's great but this is where we grew up, this is where we learned the things we know, and no mattee how good we are over in Auradon, you, me, Evie, and Carlos are still rotten on the inside, nothing will change that." He told her as he looked at her.

Mal nodded slightly as she smiled a bit. "I know that Jay, and I'm glad you are here, but unfortunately I was looking at that map of Uma's ship Hades gave me, and well I don't know if the four of us plus Audrey will be able to take her down and all of them." She said softly.

"Don't worry about that, we will take them down one way or another, right now we have to wait for Carlos." The young thief reminded her.

Mal sighed. "Yeah I know we do.." She said softly.

"But hey, if you want I can go find Gil and punch him in the face for hurting you and Carlos." Jay said with a chuckle.

Mal slightly laughed. "As great as that would be...Uma's men would be on you in a second, cause wherever Uma or Gil are, Uma's guards are." She said.

"Are they like dating now?" Jay questioned.

"Honestly...I have no idea I mean its possible." Mal said. "It would explain a lot." She said as she looked at him. "Um anyways...Jay can I ask you a question?" She said softly.

"Of course." Jay said looking at Mal.

"Do you think Carlos loves me?" She questioned as she looked at him.

"Of course he does Mal." Jay quickly replied. "He's always loved you, he always will love you, you mean the world to him, he's told me before about how much he he loves you." He told her.

"Really?" Mal questioned.

"Yes, you are the love of his life, hasn't he told that he loves you?" Jay questioned.

" mean we may have said it as a joking way like when we are screwing around, but I don't think we've ever actually said it." The purple haired girl said.

"Well, I know for a fact that he does love you Mal." Jay told her.

Mal smiled. "Wel...I love him too." She said happily

"I know you do." Jay said with a smile as he gave her a slight hug.

Mal smiled as Jay hugged her. "Thanks for this Jay." She said.

"Anytime Mal." Jay said as he smiled.

~A few hours later~

Mal was asleep in the bed alone, but she was smiling as she was dreaming about an important day in her and Carlos' life.

Mal had just stolen some kids apple and saw in the corner of her eye some red spray paint put on a wall with the young boy in front of it.

She began to walk and once she got close enough she tapped him on his shoulder and the young boy turned around and instantly fell back hitting the wall as he had never been this close to the daughter of Maleficent.

"Uh...uh...uh hello." Carlos said with obvious fear in his voice.

"Hello." Mal responded with a devilish smirk as she looked at the scared boy it made her feel great. "So that's what happened to my red, black, and white spray paint." Mal continued.

"I swear I didn't steal it." Carlos said as he was shaking in fear.

Mal smirked and tossed the apple she had just stolen up in the air only to catch it again and she did it a few times before looking back at the boy. "Well, then who did?" She asked wanting to hear the scared boys answer.

"The...the...the son of Jafar." Carlos said not wanting to die.

"Oh really? Then why did he steal your colors?" Mal asked not believing the young boy.

" I asked him too." Carlos replied and almost instantly realized he messed up.

"Oh, so you had someone steal from me?" Mal smirked. "Listen here, if you ever steal or have someone steal from me again I will hurt you!" Mal said raising her voice which scared the young boy more.

"I...I...I understand." Carlos responded still afraid.

"Good boy." Mal responded patting Carlos on the cheek then took a bite out of the apple she stole then chewed it a bit only to spit in Carlos's face right away.

Mal laughed as Carlos's face was covered in pieces of apple along with some spit.

She slowly began to wake up and as she did she smiled and laughed. "He was so afraid that was so cute though." She said as she laughed then got out of bed.

She went back to her desk and looked at the map, she knew she needed some more people to help her.

A/N Thoughts?

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