Chapter 16

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"Don't move." Someone said behind Carlos covering his mouth quickly.

Carlos was freaked out before hearing the sword drop and being turned around and saw Hades, his eyes widened as he was confused.

"You and I are gonna have a bit of a talk." Hades told him. "Follow me." He demanded.

Carlos nodded and Hades began to lead him to his hideout, Carlos had no idea what Hades wanted but he did know he was scared, yes he stood up to Hades before but that didn't mean he wasn't scared.

After a few minutes they arrived in Hades hideout and Carlos looked around. "Why am I here?" He asked sounding a bit nervous.

"Because there's something I want you to see Carlos." Hades said looking at him.

"What is it?" Carlos questioned nervously.

"This." Hades said as he turned on a TV and on the screen was Uma and kid along with some guards. "This is what Umas been doing." He told her.

Carlos sat down and looked at the screen. "Who's that kid?" He questioned.

"I believe the Queen of Hearts daughter, uh Heather?" Hades responded not fully sure as he stood behind Carlos.

Carlos nodded then looked at the screen. "Why am I watching this?" He asked as he looked at the screen.

"I want you to see what Uma does, now shut up and watch." Hades said sternly.

On the screen Uma looked at the poor girl and laughed. "Look who we have here." She said with a smirk. "My boys brought you here because you've been slacking on the work that you are suppose to do, and well you already know I don't offer second chances especially to the likes of you." She said. "Now I will offer a compliment, that dress looks amazing on you, the red and white really brings out your eyes." She said with a smile before going up and grabbing the girls face with her hand. "Your name is Heather right?" She questioned.

"" Heather replied as she was terrified.

Uma smiled then let go of her face and patted her head. "That's a nice name." She said as she turned around. "Too bad you're a horrible worker, now don't worry I'm not going to kill you but...Gil here is gonna teach you a lesson, isn't that right Gil?" She questioned as she looked over at the blonde pirate.

"Yes of course my Queen." He said quickly.

"Boys, until I say stop you will listen to Gil and do pretty much anything he tells you to do, understand?" She said as she looked at her guards and headed to her chair and sat down.

"Yes my Queen!" All of the guards said at one time.

Gil smirked as he walked up to the poor girl. "Boys cut her free." He demanded and almost immediately the guards cut the ropes off. Gil then grabbed her by her hair and picked her up and smirked as he spit in her face. "You failed to do the work you were suppose to do, now you pay." He said before punching her right in the face causing her to hit the ground hard.

Gil then started to kick her as he laughed and so did Uma, he kept on kicking her before picking her up and grabbing her by her throat and slamming her against the wall. He laughed as he began to choke her. He watched as her breathing got harder and harder, and just before she was out he let go of her and she hit the floor hard.

As she was trying to catch her breath Uma got up and walked over. "Okay Gil that's enough." She said then grabbed the girl by her hair. "Now, since you don't wanna use your hands for working I guess you won't need your fingers, but I won't break them this time as long as your work picks up!" She demanded and the girl just nodded. "Now get out of here!" She said as she threw the girl across the room.

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