Chapter 26

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Mal woke up beside Carlos and smiled as she went and kissed his cheek. "Babe, wake up." She said softly in his ear.

Carlos slowly moved then turned and opened his eyes slowly and looked at Mal. "I'm awake." He said softly.

"Yay!" She said happily. "So I know you're still hurt by seeing your mother getting killed..and well I have an idea that will make you happier, and no its not sex." She told him.

"Then what is it? And will sex happen later?" He asked with a laugh.

"Of course, now can we be serious for a moment?" She asked.

Carlos looked at her knowing they needed to be serious. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked.

"Look, I know the night of Coronation we said this to eachother but, then it didn't mean the same it would now...and well I've been wanting to say this to you for a while now and well nows the time." She said softly.

"What is it?" He asked.

" you know I didn't have the best life growing mother wasn't the best mother in the world and well she taught me one thing, and that's that love is a weakness, well...ever since I met you, ever since we started dating I've fallen for you hard, and every day when I see you I fall for you again and again and again." She said as tears of joy were falling from her eyes. "I love you Carlos." She said happily.

Carlos looked at Mal with tears going down his cheek as he heard every word she had to say. "Mal...since the day I met you, you made me feel different, yes you use to scare the shit out of me but the fact of the matter is you were my first crush and hell, you were and still are my first true love." He said with a smile. "I love you too." He said happily.

Mal smiled as the tears kept falling before leaning in and kissing Carlos deeply, Carlos almost instantly kissed back. But the kiss was quickly cut off when the door swung open and there stood Jay.

"Guys!" He said in a panic.

"What happened?!" Mal and Carlos asked.

"Uma and her crew just killed Smee's kids!!" He told them.

"WHAT?!" Mal yelled as now she was pissed.

"Yeah! I was out trying to get some supplies we may need, and all I heard were two loud gun shots, I ran to where I heard the noise and all I saw was Squeaky and Squirmy on the ground with bullet holes in thier heads." He told her.

Mals eyes started glowing a very bright green. "I AM SO GOING TO KILL THAT BITCH!!!" She yelled then thought about it. "WAIT NO! I'M GONNA TORTURE HER THEN KILL HER!!" She yelled again as she was completely pissed off.

"Woah, Mal breathe." Jay said trying to calm her down.


Carlos got up and went to Mal and hugged her trying to calm her down. "Babe, breathe, as fucking sick as Uma is, we can't let it get to us right now, we need to focus on the plan." He told her.

The moment Carlos' arms went around her body her eyes started to slowly go back to normal, she then hugged back. "I know.." She said softly.

At that moment Audrey walked in and looked at them. "Hey uh Carlos, I just got a call back, we're ready for war come Uma's birthday." She told him.

Mal heard that then looked at Carlos. "What's going on?" She asked.

"I'll explain later." Carlos told her then looked at Audrey. "Thanks Audrey." He said.

~A few hours later~

Harry and Carlos were alone in Harry's hideout as Mal told them they had to talk, to make sure they are on the same page before the war that was coming.

"So tell me something Carlos, why have you always hated me?" The young son of Captain Hook asked.

"I haven't exactly always hated you, its more that I've never liked you, especially since we've come back, you broke Mal when you raped her, I can tell she's still bothered by it." He said.

"I can too, she may be good at hiding her feelings but I can still tell, and I'm fucking sorry about that, but it was either I raped her or Uma killed me." Harry told him. "I also know why Uma told me to rape her." He said.

"Why? To break her?" Carlos questioned.

"Well yes, but also so Mal wouldn't be in the right state mentally, Uma wanted Mal to have flashbacks of what happened to her before." The pirate said.

"Wait, what happened to her before?" Carlos questioned.

"You don't know?" Harry said. "Maleficent hired a bunch of pirates to gangbang Mal when she was thirteen." He told him.

"What!!" Carlos said looking at Harry.

"Yeah, I was suppose to be involved but I said no, I didn't want to rape anyone, hell I still don't to this day." He said. "But when its a choice between life or death, you choose life." He told him.

"Trust me, I know, but I'm glad you weren't involved, also keep in mind that when we all go into war, you, me, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Audrey, we all have nothing to lose when compared to Uma and her crew, they have everything to lose, we have nothing, which makes us the dangerous ones." Carlos told him.

"I know Carlos, I won't be backing down, or choosing life when we go to war, I'm willing to put my life on the line, to take down Uma and her crew." Harry said.

"One question though, how do I know we can trust you? The term 'Never trust a Hook' exists for a reason." He said.

"Because look at last time you trusted me, I was there beside you guys and even died in the process to help you save your friend, and with how much I hate Uma, I'm ready to take her down." He said.

A/N The war is coming closer and closer guys, are you ready for it? Thoughts on the chapter?

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