Chapter 7

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"Thanks for coming as quick as you did." Carlos said softly as Audrey walked in.

"Of course." Audrey responded as she looked into Carlos' eyes. "So what's wrong?" She asked.

"You were right, I should have told Mal about our friendship when I decided to continue it, she apparently went on my phone and saw your last message and well...wait a minute." He said as he began to think. "Why was she on my phone in the first place? Does she not trust me?" He questioned.

"I don't know Carlos, even I never checked my boyfriends phones." Audrey responded softly. "Maybe someone told her something." She suggested.

"Maybe, but who? And why would she check the phone before talking to me?" He questioned.

"That I don't know." Audrey responded softly.

Carlos went and sat on the couch and began to think, he understood why Mal was mad he really did and he knew he fucked up by not telling her before hand, but he wanted to know why she checked his phone to begin with. Their entire relationship had been built around trust, and if she doesn't trust him then what kind of future do they have together?

Audrey noticed Carlos' face as she went and sat beside him and put her arms around him. "I'm here for you Carlos." She said softly as she looked at him.

Carlos nodded as he looked at her. "I know, I know." He said looking at her.

At that moment Mal walked in and saw Audrey with her arms around Carlos, her eyes began to glow green almost instantly as she looked at her, as they were Audrey looked over and saw then quickly got up and began to back up.

Mal immediately ran at Audrey with her eyes glowling green as Audrey backed into the wall.

"Back off of my boyfriend!!!" She yelled as she looked at her.

"Woah Mal, I wasn't trying anything I swear!" Audrey said with fear in her eyes.

At this point Mal had forgotten about being mad at Carlos, she just saw Audrey and saw red as she looked at her.

"I want you to stay away from him!!!!" Mal yelled.

Carlos quickly went in between the two girls. "Woah Mal please calm down, she was here cause I invited her, look I know I fucked up by not telling you about my friendship with Audrey, and I honestly apologize I am sorry, I didn't think it would truly hurt you, but please give her a chance, she has no intention of trying to take me from you I promise you that." He told his girlfriend slowly.

"I can't stand her though!" Mal screamed. "She took you away from me the first time!" She told him.

"No, you took your anger out on me then I broke up with you and went to her, that was my choice." He reminded her. "Ever since the Coronation she hasn't tried anything, in fact she's told me multiple times about how she loves seeing us happy." He said looking into the eyes of his girlfriend.

Mal looked at him still pissed but slowly calmed down. "ONE chance!" She replied in a snappy tone, then she pushed him out of the way and looked into Audrey's eyes. "You keep your lips off my boyfriend you understand?" She questioned. "Cause if you don't I will personally hurt you badly." She stated.

Audrey nodded as she looked at Mal with fear in her eyes. "I understand." She said looking at her.

"Good." Mal said with a smile as she turned around and sat down. "Now there is one thing you need to do Princess." She stated looking at Audrey.

"What's that?" Audrey questioned.

"Get out of that dress and get into some real Isle clothes." The purple haired girl responded.

"Well where am I gonna get those?" Audrey questioned.

"I actually have some that Jay and I found years ago, they would fit you they aren't small or anything." Carlos said as he looked at Audrey.

"Okay I guess." Audrey responded softly. "Uh Mal would I be able to borrow one of your-" She was quickly cut off by Mal laughing.

"Nope, you aren't allowed to borrow a damn thing of mine Princess." Mal responded.

"Come on babe." Carlos responded looking at his girlfriend.

"No, no, and no." Mal responded simply. "I'm giving her one chance for trust, doesn't mean I have to like her or be nice to her." She stated.

Carlos sighed then looked at Audrey. "Go in the bedroom, I'll find the clothes and give them to you so you can change." He said.

Audrey nodded then went in the room and shut the door, Mal then looked up at Carlos with an annoyed expression.

"Really? Having her go in the bedroom? The little hoe is probably gonna want you to watch her change so you may as well have told her to stay out here." Mal told him.

"She's not like that Mal, she's happy that I'm happy and that's all that matters." He responded. "Besides, what's even wrong with her being in there?" He asked.

"She's gonna try and steal my clothes." Mal replied looking at him.

"No she won't, just trust me on this okay?" He asked.

Mal kinda growled as she looked at her boyfriend. "Whatever." She said as she sat down.

Carlos nodded went over to Mals old table and moved it, he then pulled a piece of the flooring up as he saw the clothes him and Jay had stolen years ago, he grabbed them and picked them up then put the flooring down.

Mal looked back and saw the clothes. "Are you sure the little Princess is gonna wear that? Its not new or clean or pink." She said.

"She's gonna have too, she doesn't have much of a choice." Carlos stated.

He then went to the bedroom and opened the door just enough to hand Audrey the clothes in case she was getting undressed.

"Here, this is what you can wear, I know its not perfect but its the best we can do." He said.

"Its perfectly fine Carlos." Audrey replied as she took them.

Carlos then shut the door and looked at Mal. "There, now she's changing." He said.

"We don't have enough time for that thing to change." Mal responded.

A/N So Audreys joined in thoughts?

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