Chapter 29

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Mal was standing on one side of the room looking dead straight at Audrey, Mal had decided today was the day to make sure Audrey was ready for a war by training her.

"Alright, classic sword fight lets go." Mal said as she began to walk up to Audrey as Audrey did the same thing.

As soon as they were face to face Mal and Audrey lifted their swords, after a couple of seconds they started to swing their swords at eachother, Mal dodged Audrey's swing and Audrey dodged Mal's, then after a few more dodges from both girls the sound of swords clashing together echoed through the room.

Soon Audrey ended up kicking Mal back into the wall then ran up to her and went to push the sword down on the purple haired girl but Mal threw her sword in front to block it, then it simply became a test of strength.

Audrey came close to pushing the sword down on Mal's neck then stopped and backed off, she then looked at Mal as Mal looked impressed.

"Nice job, for a princess you're pretty good, did you take up fencing or something when you were younger?" Mal questioned.

"Well not really, but Lonnie helped me learn sword fighting a few months ago because I wanted to learn something new." Audrey said.

"Well, Lonnie taught you good." Mal said looking at her as she went and put her sword down. "So uh listen..can I ask you a question?" She said looking at the princess.

"Sure, what's up Mal?" Audrey asked as she put her sword down and looked at Mal.

"Well...from what you've seen and from what I'm sure Carlos has told I like...a bad girlfriend?" The purple haired girl asked softly.

Audrey sighed as she looked at Mal. "Well...being completely aren't exactly the best when it comes to letting him help you, you kinda boss him around a I know you love and care about him but its like..I don't know how else to explain it." She said.

"Oh.." Mal said softly. "Do you think he will break up with me eventually because of it?.." She asked as she looked at Audrey.

"I don't think so Mal." Audrey said as she looked at her then walked over to her and hugged her.

Mal was shocked by Audrey's hug but ended up hugging her back. "I hope not, cause I'd be lost without him honestly." She said softly. "He makes me feel special, keeps me positive, and yeah..I know I'm a bit bossy, but I know Uma better then he does, if Uma sees Carlos and I, she will know something's up." She said as she broke the hug and looked at her.

"I understand that, but maybe try explaining that to Carlos." Audrey replied. "Because he probably sees it as you don't think he's strong enough for this." She said.

"If I'm being honest, the only one I'm worried about is" Mal said. "Yes you are pretty good with a sword, but to go to war..its gonna take a lot more then being good with a sword." She said.

"I know, I know." Audrey said. "But I will be ready." She said looking at Mal.

Meanwhile Carlos and Harry were on a bit of a spy mission, spying on Uma's ship to be exact. They quickly hid behind some rocks up on cliff above Uma's ship.

"So what are we looking for?" Carlos asked quietly.

"Well, we are mainly looking to see what Uma does, looking to see if she tells any of her men to leave because the ones she tells to leave, are the ones that won't be at her birthday party tomorrow." Harry told him. "So the more people she sends away the better for us when it comes to odds." He said.

"Alright, so we are just watching to see how many men get sent away?" Carlos questioned.

"Exactly dog boy." Harry said.

Carlos nodded then looked at Harry. "Stay away from Mal by the way." He said.

Harry turned his head and looked at Carlos and chuckled. "What?" He asked.

"Stay away from Mal." Carlos said but now in a serious tone.

"Look dog boy, if I wanted Mal I would have her already." The young pirate said looking at Carlos. "She wouldn't be able to say no to me, so if I wanted Mal I'd have her and you wouldn't be able to stop me." He said to Carlos.

Carlos looked at Harry now a bit mad. "Mal would tell you no and you know it." He said.

"Look dog boy, let's not argue about this, let's focus on the job at hand." Harry said as he turned his back and looked down at Uma's ship.

"Fine, but if you ever try to take Mal from me, I will hurt you." Carlos said.

Harry wanted to ignore it but he couldn't. "I'd love to see you try, and oh did I mention that I was gonna fuck her tonight?" He said as he looked at Carlos.

That was it for Carlos he wne tand tackled Harry and the two began to fall down a hill, once they hit the bottom they both slowly got up and looked at eachother.

"You don't wanna do this dog boy." Harry said looking directly at him.

"I'm pretty sure I do." Carlos said as he ran and tackled Harry again slamming him onto the ground hard.

Once Harry was on the ground Carlos got up a bit and started to punch Harry in the face a couple of times but then Harry managed to push Carlos off then kicked him back hard. He then got up and looked at Carlos.

"You wanna stand down before you get hurt?" Harry questioned.

"Fuck you." Carlos said then ran to hit Harry again but this time Harry stepped a side and tripped him, then Carlos fell and hit the ground hard.

"I'm not going to beat the shit out of you, not with the war tomorrow." Harry said then made his way back up the hill.

A/N The war is coming closer and closer! Thoughts?

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