Chapter 25

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Carlos smiled as Mal and him broke the hug, he looked at her. "I'm gonna go talk to Audrey okay?" He asked.

"Yeah of course, go ahead." Mal said as she smiled.

Carlos then turned and walked after Audrey, he quickly got up o her and grabbed her arm. "Audrey." He said.

Audrey turned around and looked at him, it was obvious tears had fallen. "Yeah Carlos?" She asked softly.

"I know I picked Mal, but can we stay friends?" He asked. "You were my first friend here, and I need friends." He said. 

Audrey managed to stop any tears as she nodded. "Of course Carlos." She said softly as she went and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Audrey, are you gonna be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine Carlos." She said softly.

~A few months later~

"So Mals gone for the weekend?" Audrey questioned as she was at her desk working on some school work.

"Yep, some girls weekend with Evie." Carlos replied as he sat down.

"Oh okay, so why didn't you decide to have a guys weekend with Jay?" Audrey questioned.

"Well, I'll tell you the honest answer but you have to swear you won't tell anyone including Evie." He replied.

Audrey turned in chair as now she was curious. "I swear." She said.

"He's fucking Lonnie." Carlos said straight up.

"What!" Audrey said as she looked right at Carlos.

"Yeah, he loves Evie but him and Lonnie have been fucking for the last week." Carlos said.

"Holy shit." Audrey quickly said.

"Yeah, um anyways you have any ideas on what we can do?" Carlos questioned.

"Hmmmm, fuck?" Audrey replied with a smirk and a laugh.

Carlos laughed as he looked at her. "No, I'm staying loyal to Mal." He replied.

"I figured, but I thought I might as well ask." Audrey said with a laugh. "Wait, what if we include Mal when she gets back?" She questions.

"Maybe one day, but not any day soon." Carlos said in response.

"Well its late either way, you can sleep on the couch or in bed with me, I promise I won't try anything!" She said as she got up and looked at him.

"I'll sleep with you, I know you won't try anything Audrey." Carlos said.

"By the way, do you remember what I use to sleep in?" She questioned.

"Yeah, basically your underwear." Carlos said.

"Well I still do, just to let you know." Audrey said as she went to her bed and sat down.

"Okay that's fine." Carlos said.

Audrey took her shirt and pants off then quickly got into bed, Carlos went and climbed in beside her. Audrey then turned over and looked at Carlos.

"I'm glad we are still friends." She said.

"Same here." He said with a smile.

~One month later~

Carlos was in his room on his laptop trying to find a present for Mal, but as he was looking at different items his phone started to ring, he looked at saw it was Audrey so he quickly answered.

"Hey Audrey, what's up?" He asked.

Audrey was crying as Carlos answered. " just died..." She said.

"Wait what? What happened?" Carlos asked.

"She had a heart attack and was just pronounced dead!" Audrey said in a panic.

"Oh my God.." Carlos said in response as he didn't really know what to say.

"Can I come by please...I'm like freaking the fuck out right now and you're by far my best friend." She said as she sounded freaked out on the phone.

"Yeah of course."  Carlos replied.

~Twenty minutes later~

Carlos was in his room waiting for Audrey, he was scared that she would do something stupid tonight, he knew about her history with depression and how bad its gotten, he's worried that her grandmother dying might just push her to suicide. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Carlos went to the door and opened it and pulled her in and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother Audrey, I'm here for you." He said as he was hugging her.

"I...I know thank you Carlos." She said as the tears had stopped but she still sounded heartbroken.

"Look, Mals spending the night with Evie, Lonnie, and Jane so you can stay here if you want, Jay is with Ben, and Doug so he won't be here." He told her.

"Thank you Carlos." She said softly.

"Of course." Carlos said as he broke the hug and shut the door.

Audrey went and sat on his bed and he went and sat beside her. "So um before I called, what were you up too?" She questioned.

"Oh just trying to get a gift for Mal, well trying to find one anyways." He said.

"Well, maybe I can help." Audrey replied. "What did you have in mind?" She asked.

"Well, I was thinking a necklace, but none of the ones I find seem like they would fit her." He told her.

"Well, you have your 3D printer, why not try to design a necklace and have it made? Maybe it mixes your two names together?" Audrey suggests.

"So like...Carmal?" He questioned.

"Well, that doesn't sound all that good." She told him.

"Hmmm, Malos?" He questioned looking for her opinion again.

"Close, but it doesn't sound amazing, any other ideas?" She questioned.

"Hmm...Marlos?" He asks.

"Yes! That's it! That sounds great!" She said with a smile as she looked at him. "See this is why you are my best friend, even though we are talking about your relationship, I'm happy!" She said happily.

"So I cheered you up somehow?" He questioned with a laugh.

"Well duh! You always cheer me up Carlos!" She said happily.

"Well I'm glad I do that Audrey." He said with a smile.

Audrey smiled then sat closer to Carlos and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I am so glad I met you Carlos." She said happily.

"I'm glad I met you too Audrey." Carlos said happily.

A/N So this was a Carlos flashback chapter. Thoughts?

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