Chapter 17

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Mal was pacing back and forth freaking out, she was now worried that something had happened to Carlos.

"He could be dead!" She said as she was freaking out.

"I'm sure hes fine Mal." Audrey said trying to help Mal calm down even though she knew it wouldn't work.

As Mal was freaking out the door opened up and in fell Carlos, he hit the ground hard, it was a miracle he got back to the hideout.

Mal looked and saw him and her eyes widened. "CARLOS!" She screamed as she ran over and got down beside him. "Audrey help me get him to the couch." She said as she tried pick him up.

Audrey ran over and helped Mal pick him up, once they managed to get him up they brought him to the couch and laid him down, Mal looked at him and the tears fell, she looked down at him and saw the blood going down his face as she looked at him.

Quickly though the tears went away and Mal started to get angry, she got up and walked over to the door and punched it hard.


"Woah Mal.." Audrey said as she looked at Mal.

"WHAT!" Mal snapped as she looked Audrey.

"N..n..nothing" Audrey said as she backed up.

"Watch him, I'm gonna go get help." Mal stated as she walked right out of the hideout.

Mal knew that they didn't have the supplies to patch Carlos up in anyway, but she did know one person who would have them. So she snuck past Umas guards and rushed over to a house, it only took her a couple of minutes and once she got there she knocked on the door.

It only took a few seconds before the wooden door opened up and there stood Captain Hook. "Mal? What do you want?" He questioned.

"Okay look, I know Uma gave every pirate all kinds of supplies and well if you have any that can fix up cuts I need you to get it and come with me now!" She quickly replied as now she was panicking.

Captain Hook looked at her, he knew there was no time to waste and no questions could be asked, so he nodded then went to a different room and came back out.

"Let's go." He said as he looked at her.

Mal quickly ran back to the hideout with Captain Hook following her, it took her even less time to get back and once she did she quickly opened the door and ran in.

Captain Hook walked in and looked at Carlos. "Okay, this is going to take a while, give me some space." He said

Mal nodded as she backed up and so did Audrey. "Will he be okay?" Mal questioned.

"Yes he should be, his recovery may take a bit as he seemed to have taken a brutal blow to the head, but he should be okay." Captain Hook said as he pulled out the equipment he would need.

"I'm gonna go make a call real quick." Audrey said as she left the hideout.

~One hour later~

Mal had went into the room as she was too worried to actually watch Captain Hook do what he needed to do, but as she was in the room freaking out she saw the door open slowly. She looked up and saw Captain Hook.

"Okay so it took longer then I had expected to be honest, but there quite a few cuts however I did manage to get them all patched up. He is awake but can barely speak." The Captain said as he looked at Mal. "There might be brain damage, but doesn't seem like much yet, he seemed to know Audrey and myself so it doesn't seem like there's any amnesia which is obviously a good thing." He stated.

"Thank you for this." Mal said as she left the room and went and grabbed a chair and sat beside Carlos. "Can I have some time alone with him Audrey?" She asked.

"Of course." Audrey said as she left and so did Captain Hook.

"Carlos...I know its gonna be hard for you to talk to me so don't worry...but I swear I don't care about the reason this happened, I am going to hurt Uma, Gil, and the rest of her crew, they've messed with me, they've messed with you and they will be going down." She said as she leaned in and kissed his lips gently and softly. "But as of right now I'm worried about you Carlos, I hope you are okay, if you aren't and you do end....up...dying...I don't know what I'll do, you mean the world to me Carlos DeVil, I want you to be with me forever and I know I haven't been the best girlfriend to you and well...all I can say is I will continue to try and get better, for you, for myself, for us." She says as she grabs his hand and kisses it. "The way I feel when I'm with you is different then the way I've felt with anyone else, including Harry, you make me smile, you make me laugh, you make feel safe, you know how to treat me." She said as tears fell down her cheek. "Harry never made me feel that way, he never treated me that way, he didn't want to be with me, or at least he didn't show it the way you show it, when I look at you I know you want me, when I look at him I see nothing about wanting me." She told him as she looked into his eyes. "Plus I know you won't cheat on me or hurt me...and hell I can't believe I'm about to say this...but I even trust Audrey to stay away from you cause I talked to her and I seen in her eyes that she didn't want to take you from I probably scare her." She said with a slight laugh. "Anyways..Carlos..there is one last thing I have to say to you and if I don't say it now I don't know when I will." She said softly. "Carlos...I-" She was quickly cut off by the hideout door opening up.

She looked at the door and her eyes widened. "What are you doing here??" She asked.

A/N Thoughts? And what do you think Mal was going to tell Carlos?

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