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Mal and Carlos stood up on a balcony overlooking the entire Isle, down below was all their friends and the kids of the Isle, the wedding was soon but first Mal had to tell everyone what was going to happen.

She looked at everyone and simply smiled. "With Uma officially taken down, today marks a new day for the Isle of the Lost." She began to say as she looked around. "Now, I know you all probably hate me because I turned my back on all of you and left the Isle over a year ago, but I also came back and stopped Uma and saved everyone, but of course I'm not expecting you to all forgive me and I have to earn your forgiveness, well now I'm here to tell you all that I have plans to help the Isle of the Lost." She said with a smile. "I have discussed things with the King of Auradon, Ben. He has agreed to help fix the Isle, fix up the buildings, and give us all supplies every two months, yes I know that may not seem like a lot, but it's a start." She said. "Now, of course as Queen of the Isle I can't do this all alone, so standing beside me is the King of the Isle, Carlos DeVil." She said with a smile as she hugged Carlos and kissed his cheek. 

Carlos smiled and looked at everyone. "A long time ago I was nothing but a scared, pathetic, weak boy that couldn't fight, stand up to people, or even talk to certain people that intimidated me, now I'm able to do all that and more." He said happily. "And with Mal at my side, I hope to help each and everyone of you, along with helping the Isle entirely." He told everyone.

"So." Mal began to say. "Our goal is to help everyone of you, but we won't be doing it alone of course, along with King Benjamin's help from Auradon, we have friends who will help us." She said with a smile. "Now before you ask who, Carlos and I have picked two people each to help us." She told everyone happily. "I have picked my best friend Evie!" She said with a smile as Evie ran up the steps and stood beside Mal. "Now, the second person I picked may shock some of you because of past events and how he's acted, but the second person I have picked is, Harry Hook." She said as she looked down at Harry and saw him make his way up the steps and stood right by her.

Carlos looked at everyone and took a deep breathe before speaking. "The first person I have picked to help us is my best friend, Jay!" He said as he watched Jay run up the steps, they hugged eachother briefly then stood together. "Now my second person I have picked is an Auradon girl." He said then stopped as the Isle kids were all booing the idea. "Okay, okay, okay, calm down, this girl is one of my best friends and even though my beautiful fiancé standing beside me hates her, I think she could help us a lot." He said happily as everyone calmed down. "The girl I have picked is the daughter of Aurora, Audrey!" He said as Audrey came up the stairs smiling and stood with Jay, Evie, Harry, Mal, and Carlos.

Mal smiled and put her hand on top of Carlos' hand. "Together, the six of us and King Benjamin and his team are going to help make the Isle a better place!" She said happily, and the crowd of Isle kids all cheered which put a smile on Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie, Audrey, and Harry's face.

~That night~

Everyone was gathered sitting in chairs as Carlos stood at the front with Jay behind him, they stood there as Mal began to walk up to the front and after a few minutes she got there and smiled looking at Carlos.

Jay looked at them both then began to speak. "Okay, I'm going to skip all of the extra shit cause well we all wanna get to the party, so Carlos, do you promise to love Mal through your ups, your downs, in sickness and in health till the day death separates you?" He asked.

"I do." Carlos said as he smiled.

"Mal do you promise to love Carlos through your ups, your downs, in sickness and in health till the day death separates you?" He asked.

"I do." Mal said happily as she smiled.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, Carlos kiss this beautiful girl already." Jay said.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Carlos said with a laugh as he kissed Mal.

The two broke the kiss a few seconds after starting it and Jay looked at them and smiled. "Alright now, lets get this psrty started!" He said happily to everyone.

Everyone then went to the main part of the Isle, the music started to play and everyone was dancing and having a good time. It was finally the happily ever after they all wanted.

All the ups and downs Mal and Carlos have been through, it was worth it, they finally get their happily ever after. They are together, married, the Isle and Auradon are working together, and Mal and Carlos get to help the Isle, as King and Queen.

A/N There ya have it! The end of the epilogue, and the end of this book. Thoughts?

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