Chapter 5

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Mal woke up in Carlos' arms as she turned and looked at him, she licked his nose and laughed.

"Babe wake up!" She said looking at him.

Carlos slowly woke up as he looked at Mal. "Morning." He said slowly as he was still tired.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Tired." He responded.

"Well I feel great, last night was fun." She said with a smirk.

"Yeah it was." He replied looking at her. "Are we gonna act on your plan tonight?" He asked.

"No, not tonight." Mal responded looking at him. "I have to go talk to my father tonight." She asked. "Its about time him and I had a actual heart to heart talk even though I really don't want too." She said softly.

"Okay well, do you want me to go with you?" Carlos asked looking at her.

"No, I have to do this on my own." Mal replied as she sat up.

~That night~

Mal had just left her hideout and walked past the two guards that were passed out, she knew the secret path to her dads hideout. The conversation she was planning on having was one she has wanted to have for years, but unfortunately she never got the chance too in the past. But tonight was the night.

As she walked she felt the cold night time breeze hit her face and push her hair around slightly, she ignored it as she arrived at her fathers hideout and picked up th same stone as last time, and pushed it on the same brick as last time then walked in as the door opened.

She headed down the pathway and seen her father laying on his couch as she took a deep breath and looked at him.

"Hi dad." She said softly.

Hades eyes opened as he looked and saw his daughter. "Two visits in less then a week? Did you kill your mother cause if so we need to celebrate." He said with a smirk as he got uo and looked at her.

"Dad...I need to talk to you, we need to talk." She said softly as she went up to him.

Hades looked at his daughter and noticed the seriousness, he nodded then went and sat down in a chair at a table and looked at his daughter.

"Okay, take a seat, have a drink if you want." He stated.

Mal nodded then went and sat in the chair across from her father. "Okay, I just need to know...I know what you said before but why did you truly leave me dad?" She asked.

Hades sighed as he looked at her. "Okay look, I'm gonna tell you absolutely everything but its a bit of a long story so get ready." He said looking at her. "It all started when the barrier was first put up, your mother and I met and well we had decided together to make a plan to take the barrier down, so we started to work together on that and the plan went on for years, but as the years went on we became closer and closer, and eventually had love between the two of us, we had one night where we talked about what we were gonna do and your mother suggested we have a baby, so we tried for months and finally your mother got pregnant with you." He said looking at her. "Nine months later you came into this world, and after six months of you being alive your mother suggested we raise you to be evil, we raise you to do our dirty work and I told her no, so we began to fight over it and well it lead to me leaving her, she tried to apologize but I didn't wanna hear it, so as I was going to leave, your mother stabbed me in the shoulder and well her guards saw this and quickly rushed me to the medical facility we had, cause when the barrier was first up we had better supplies, anyways they patched me up and I went to go get you because I didn't want her making you into some sort of slave but everytime I tried she would stop me, so for months I tried but each time I failed, however this is really what pissed me off, she locked you in a goddamn cage!" He yelled as he slammed his hand down on the wooden table. "So that is why I wasn't there, that's also why I approved of you and Carlos, your mother would have never approved of you two cause she doesn't believe in love, hell when I heard you were staying in Auradon I was actually happy because you were happy, your happiness is all that matters to me Mal." He said as he looked at her.

Mal sat there with tears in her eyes as they fell down her cheek. "Holy shit dad...I never knew.." She responded softly. "I always thought you were the one who didn't care about me..." She said softly as the tears went down faster and faster.

"For years I hated your mother, the reason I went into full blown hiding was cause of her, she had pissed me off so much, I tried to stop her but when I heard you were being sent to Auradon to do her bidding that pissed me off as well but when I heard you were staying there happy it made me happy cause you were gonna be safe there, then when you brought Carlos here, yes it took a push but the fact that he stood up for you the way he did when I pushed you told me he was right for you and that's all that matters to me, your mother was a cold hearted bitch, but I'm not that way." He said as he looked at her.

"I'm sorry dad.." Mal said softly as the tears kept falling.

"It wasn't your fault, you were the best thing to ever happen to me." Hades responded.

Mal nodded as she stood up and headed to the pathway to leave. "I wish I could stay but I have to go dad.." She replied softly.

"Its fine, go to your boyfriend, and try to be quiet tonight okay?" He asked with a smirk and a laugh.

"You heard us!" Mal responded as the tears went away and her eyes widened.

"Yeah I did, I headed to your hideout to talk to you and well let's just say I'm glad I was outside so nobody thought I was fucking you considering the word 'daddy' was screamed at the top of your lungs." He replied looking at her.

Mals face quickly became red as she was honestly embarrassed. "Well um I better get going." She stated as she quickly went down the pathway and outside.

A/N Thoughts?

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