Chapter 11

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Audrey broke the kiss as she looked into Carlos' eyes. There was nothing but silence between the two, Audrey did it to calm Carlos down, the question was whether or not that was the only reason she did it, only she knew.

He then began to shake his head slowly. "That...never happened understand?" He said softly looking at her.

"Of course." Audrey responded as she sat down on the couch.

Carlos then went into the room and looked at Mal, she was laying there and as he looked at her, he saw the blood on her face, he saw her holding her ribs, it upset him so much as now he wasn't angry, he was upset. Upset that he couldn't have done anything to help her, upset with the fact that she had to take the beating because she didn't want him hurt. He hated seeing her in any kind of pain, it legitimately hurt him inside to see her hurt.

He slowly walked over to the bed and slowly sat down on the bed at the end of her feet. He looked at her as she was awake, but was in to much pain to talk clearly.

"Mal..I'm sorry that you went through that.." He said softly. "Mal next time, fight back, if I get hurt or killed it'll be worth it." He told her with a sigh.

Mal laid there, no response or anything but Carlos didn't expect her to respond, so he just sat there and looked at her. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know if he could do anything, he then decided to get up off the bed and he walked to the other side of the bed and laid down beside her, he turned and looked at her. As he ddi Mal slowly turned her head and looked at him, Carlos moved his hand slowly and tried to wipe away some of the blood from his girlfriend's face, as he did she didn't move, but a amile slightly grew on her face.

"Mal.." Carlos said looking at her. "Seeing you in pain like kills me inside." He said. "Next time...please fight back..I meant it I'd rather get hurt or killed then see you hurt." He told her.

Mal smiled as she looked at him. "Carlos...if they hurt you or killed you...I'd torture them to the point where they wish they were dead." She told him. "Now..stop trying to make me cry with your sweet words." She said softly.

He slightly laughed then leaned in and softly kissed her lips, she smiled and softly kissed back, the two then broke it and looked at eachother.

"You mean the world to me Mal." Carlos said softly as he looked at her.

"You mean the world to me as well Carlos." Mal replied with a smile.

~The next morning~

Mal and Carlos were fast asleep, but quickly woken up by banging on their bedroom door, after a couple of minutes the door swung open and Gil walked in.

"Both of you get up now! The Queen is here!" He yelled as he looked at them before leaving the room.

Carlos and Mal both got up, Carlos getting up a lot quicker then Mal as it hurt Mal to get up, it hurt her to move but she knew she had too.

Once she got up the two walked out and there stood Uma, Gil, and Uma's guards but oddly enough Harry was nowhere to be seen.

"Mal, good to see you're still alive, sorry we had to get rough with you, but we do that to everyone who disobeys, we've even killed a few people cause they disobeyed us so you got lucky." Uma told her.

Carlos quickly scanned the room and didn't see Audrey which kinda scared him, but he knew he couldn't focus on that right now. He then looked back at Uma as she smirked.

" should know that it will take more then a little beat down from Gil to keep me down." Mal replied. "Anyways, here these are what you came for right?" She questioned as she grabbed the phone and the key and handed them to Uma.

Uma took them and smirked. "Yes they are, now I better not get told you were spying on my ship again or you will get hurt even worse." She said with a smirk as she turned around and walked out with Gil and her guards following.

As soon as they left Audrey came out of the bathroom, as that's where she had went to hide when Uma arrived.

"Audrey, there you are!" Carlos said.

"Yeah, as soon as the door swung open I ran in there to hide so she didn't see me." Audrey replied.

"Yeah..yeah..okay." Mal replied as she was still in pain but was trying to not show it. "Where was Harry?" She questioned.

Carlos looked at Mal and quickly took in the fact that Harry wasn't there. "I don't know, that is weird." He said as he looked at her. "But how are you feeling?" He asked her.

"Like shit." Mal replied. "My speech is easier, but my body still hurts like a bitch." She said. "But we need to work on our plan to save the Isle." She said.

"You need to lay down Mal." Audrey said as she looked at her.

"Babe she's right, it'll help your body a bit, we can worry about our plan later." He told her.

"Fine." Mal said as she knew Carlos wouldn't let her work on the plan when she's in the shape she is.

Mal then turned and went back into the room and laid down, as she did began to think about Harry, more specifically why Harry wasn't with Uma, something wasn't right and she knew it, but she didn't know what could have happened considering how close Harry and Uma seemed.

She then sighed as she looked at the roof, she placed her hands on her ribs as she looked up.

A/N What happened to Harry? Thoughts on the chapter?

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