Chapter 15

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Mal got back to the hideout and walked in as she looked and saw Carlos and Audrey sitting down on the couch, she shut the door behind her and looked at them.

"Aren't you two suppose to be training?" She questioned.

Carlos looked and saw Mal and got up. "Mal!" He said as he looked at her. "We were training but then I got worried about you." He said.

"Well I'm fine." Mal replied as she walked up to her boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "But I kinda need to talk to you..alone." She said softly.

"Okay, then lets go in the room." Carlos replied as he looked at Mal.

Mal and Carlos headed into the bedroom and Mal shut the door then sat Carlos down and looked at him.

"Okay so.." She began as she looked at him. "Captain Hook kidnapped me basically but don't worry nothing happened, he tied me to a chair and talked to me, told me Harry's gone missing, told me he hates Uma as well, and that Harry will help us take her all I'm asking is if I find Harry will you be okay with him helping us?" She questioned looking into his eyes.

"Mal are you nuts!" Carlos replied as he stood up. "The last time we trusted him he died then sided back with Uma, and hell he raped you! He can't be trusted!" He yelled as he looked at her.

Mal stood up and looked at Carlos. "Yes he can! I know the real Harry Hook, the real Harry Hook wouldn't have done what he's done by choice, Uma must have threatened him or something." She told him as she looked into her boyfriends eyes.

"Mal why are you so trusting in him?" He asked. "He's unpredictable, hes dangerous, hes-" The young boy was quickly cut off.

"Hes our only hope at this point!" Mal snapped. "He knows Uma better then anyone, he knows her ship inside and out, he knows her guards and thier placements! He can help us!" She said as she looked at him as she was trying to stay calm.

"We shouldn't have to rely on him every time we get into a problem with Uma!" Carlos told her.

"Well what else are we going to do?! Its just us plus that princess here! We need any help we can get!" Mal said as she looked at him knowing this was only going to get worse.

Carlos was getting annoyed and decided he needed to cool off. "Look I'm gonna go, I need some time on my own." He said as he left the room and headed out the front door.

Mal sighed as she sat on the bed with the door open, Audrey looked in and saw Mal and deicded it was time to ask Mal something.

"Mal.." She said softly.

"What?" Mal quickly snapped as she looked at Audrey.

"I nees to ask you something.." The Princess said as she walked closer to Mal.

"What is it Princess?" Mal questioned with a rude tone.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Audrey questioned.  "Like I know we've never gotten along..but why do you hate me so much now?" She questioned.

Mal glared at Audrey but it quickly went away as she sighed. "You wanna know why I hate you huh? Come sit down I guess." She said softly as she patted a spot on the bed beside her.

Audrey although nervous walked up to Mal and sat beside her as she looked at her. " why do you hate me?" She questioned.

Mal sighed as she looked at the Princess. "I don't know..if its so much that I hate you or if its just..I'm scared of losing Carlos again." She began softly. "I lost him to you before because of my anger..and I guess I'm nervous that eventually he will break up with me and go back to you." She said. "The way I feel about Carlos is different then anyway I've felt about anyone else..when I'm with him I feel loved and happy..and when he holds me or hugs me I know I'm safe and that he wouldn't let anyone hurt me..its like when I'm around him I can be myself." She said as tears started to go down her cheek. "I love him." She said softly.

Audrey listened to every word Mal said and had tears going down her face as well, she moved slightly closer to Mal and leaned in and hugged her softly.

"I'm not going to take him from you Mal, I'm here as his support when you're not around, I'm here to help him when he needs it, besides Mal he has no intention of breaking up with you, he told me all the time in Auradon about how happy you make him and that's all I care about." Audrey said softly as she hugged Mal.

Mal nodded and began to slowly hug Audrey back. "I'll keep that all in mind, I'm sorry for being such a bitch." She said softly.

Meanwhile Carlos was walking around simply trying to cool off, he knew Mal cared about Harry and knew about thier history but ever since Carlos found out about Mal getting raped by Harry he's hated Harry. As he was walking he started to feel rain drops hitting him, he looked up and the rain hit his face but it didn't bother him.

He headed to his old house and went to the side of it and looked at the ladder on the side, it was obviously old and rusted, but that didn't stop him, he began to climb up and once he reached the top he got on the roof but quickly regretted it as he saw Gil and a couple of other pirates looking at some sort of map, he then quickly climbed back down the ladder and once he got to the bottom he felt a sword get pressed against the back of his neck.

A/N Thoughts?

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