Chapter 21

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The hideout door opened up and in walked Mal, but she was not alone, behind her was Harry. As she walked in she saw Carlos and Evie.

"That's why Audrey and Jay are outside, you wanted one of your famous alone chats huh E?" Mal questioned.

"Yeah I did M." Evie said. "But hey look, he's awake!" She said.

Mal smiled as she looked at Carlos then ran over to him and hugged him. "Babe, how are you feeling?" She asked.

Carlos hugged back slowly. "I'm okay." He said before looking and seeing Harry. "Why the fuck is he here?" He asked.

Mal broke the hug and looked at her boyfriend. "Look, he's here to help us take Uma down, Uma has been threatening him with his life if he didn't obey her orders, everything he's done including when he raped me, was under her orders only and believe it or not, he wants to take her down the same way we do." She stated.

Carlos looked at her and sighed. "Fine.." He said reluctantly.

"Good boy!" Mal said happily.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Carlos responded softly.

Mal laughed then kissed his cheek. "Did you by any chance hear what I said the other day?" She asked.

"Every word, I also know you were cut off." The young boy said in response as he looked at her.

"Yeah um about that, I'll explain what I was going to say later, you still need some rest I can tell by your voice its hard for you to speak." Mal replied.

"I'm fine babe." Carlos said softly as he looked at her.

"No you're not." Mal said then leaned in and kissed his lips.

"Okay, okay, okay, lets get to this plan to take down Uma." Harry said.

"In time Harry, we can't do much right now anyways." Mal told him.

"Why not?" The young pirate questioned.

"Because, we have to pick the right day to do it and I know what that day is." Mal stated.

"When M?" Evie questioned.

"Her birthday." Mal stated. "I know Uma, and when it comes to her birthday thats her favorite day of the year because its all about her." She stated.

"Even though every day has been about her since she took over the Isle." Harry chimed in.

"Exactly." Mal replied.

"Okay so when's her birthday?" Carlos asked.

"In eight days I believe, right Harry?" Mal questioned.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure." Harry replied.

"Great so that's when we take her down, together." Mal stated. "Now Harry, I'll go show you the blueprint and what we have planned out so far." She said as she kissed Carlos' lips then headed to the bedroom with Harry and went directly to the desk.

The young pirate followed then shut the door and went behind Mal and smirked then grabbed her ass, but his hand was quickly smacked by Mal.

After she hit his hand Mal turned and faced Harry. "ONLY Carlos is allowed to do that, understand Hooky?" Mal questioned as she looked at him.

Harry smirked and laughed. "Sure, whatever you say Mally." He said.

"Listen, I'm taking a huge risk by trusting you, this hurts Carlos cause he knows damn well that you raped me, and if he wasn't in so much pain he probably would have kicked your ass." Mal told him straight up.

Harry just laughed. "He lost in a fight to Gil, like he'd be able to beat me." He said with his laugh still continuing.

"Well, all I can say is this Harry." Mal began. "Carlos DeVil, is more of a man then you ever have been and ever will be." She stated. "He's never done the things you've done, especially when it comes to what you use to do before him and I met." She stated.

"What are you talking about?" Harry questioned.

"I tell everybody the reason I hate you is cause you left me to die, then didn't cross the border to see me for six months, but we both know its cause you were nothing but an abusive piece of shit that beat me every chance you got." Mal said as her eyes began to glow green. "We were never a couple, but the fact of the matter is you loved hitting me, you loved slapping me, no matter how much it hurt me, and the fact of the matter is...I'm the idiot." She said. "I'm the idiot that forgave you, I'm the idiot that trusted you over a year ago, I'm the idiot that cried over your death just because your last words to me were 'I love you', I'm the idiot who's trusting you now, and this will be the last time." She stated as her eyes were glowing a nice bright green.

Harry looked at Mal and was honestly caught off guard, he was also scared, its one thing when Mal is pissed and yelling and her eyes glow, it was something else when her eyes were glowing and she was clearly pissed but talking calmly.

"Woah, Mal.." He began to say. "Trust me, I've changed." He stated. "I'm not the same person I use to be." He said.

Mals eyes slowly went back to normal as she looked at Harry. "You better not be." She said as she looked at him before turning back and looking at the map of Uma's ship.

Meanwhile out in the main room Audrey and Jay were back in and they were sitting down along with Evie and Carlos.

"I don't trust him, you guys know that right?" Carlos said reffering to Harry.

"Yeah, and to be honest neither do I." Evie said.

"Same here, you can't trust a Hook." Jay stated.

"I barely know him and even I don't trust him." Audrey said. "Hell, he hit on me the first time he saw me." She said.

"He does that to every girl." Carlos told Audrey. "He's known as a...uh what's the word?" He questioned.

"A man whore?" Jay said in response.

"There ya go." Carlos replied.

A/N Thoughts?

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