Chapter 14

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Mal was tied up to a chair in a room with tape on her mouth, and a bag over her head. She couldn't move or even make a sound, she didn't know where she was or who knocked her out, all she knew was that her head hurt and that she was tied up.

Meanwhile Carlos and Audrey had finished up training for the day and were both tired out, they placed the swords they used down and looked at eachother.

"You're getting better Audrey, its gonna take quite a bit more work but you're getting better." Carlos told her.

"Thanks." Audreys said with a quick smile. "You're a great teacher." She told him.

"Thanks." Carlos replied before looking up at the clock. "Okay, now I'm getting worried cause Mals been gone for at least five hours, she never takes this long." He said as he looked at back at Audrey.

"I'm sure she's okay, maybe she just wanted some time on her own." Audrey replied.

"Maybe.." Carlos said softly as he was still worried about Mal. "I'm worried Uma got her again and is gonna have her hurt even more." He said as he looked at Aurey with tears starting to form.

Audrey quickly hugged him and rubbed his back. "I'm sure she's fine Carlos." She said softly.

"I hope so." Carlos responded softly as he kept hugging her.

Meanwhile Mal was still tied to the chair but not for much longer. After a couple of more minutes the bag that was on her head got removed, once she opened her eyes she saw nobody. After another few minutes a dark figure started to come closer to Mal, she couldn't tell who it was as the figure suddenly stopped walking.

"Mal...Mal...Mal." The figure said with a deep voice. "The woman who was suppose to be the Queen of the Isle...the woman who turned her back on the Isle and decided to live in Auradon, the woman who...nobody thought would come back to this shit hole." The figure said then started laughing slowly.

All of a sudden the figure stepped into the light and Mals eyes widened, the tape was ripped off her mouth so she could speak. "Captain Hook?" She said softly. "The word around the Isle was that you were gone." She said.

Captain Hook laughed as he looked at her. "Don't always believe rumors Mal." He said as he looked at her. "But as you can see, I'm here." He said.

"Okay..but why did you kidnap me?" The purple haired girl questioned.

"Because I knew you wouldn't have come here quietly." The Captain said as he looked at her.

"Okay well why am I here?" She questioned.

"Because its son has gone missing." He said. "I think that sea bitch Uma has something to do with it, killing him would be too easy she did something." He stated.

"Why would she though? They've seemed super close ever since I got here." Mal stated.

Captain Hook took one good look at Mal and smirked. "You think that means a damn thing? Uma will do what she wants, when she wants and well judging by how your face looks, you know all about that." He said as he looked at her. "She had you get beat didn't she?" He questioned.

Mal looked at him and nodded slowly. "Yes she did." She replied.

The Captain walked up to her and began to touch her face with his hand, he began to look at the bruises and the black eye she had. "My guess is that Gil beat you up." He said.

"Yes he did." Mal replied softly.

Captain Hook just chuckled. "Sounds about right, she does that all the time, has Gil do her dirty work, she's had Gil kill I don't know how many kids since she took over." He said as he looked at her.

"Why am I here? You told me your son is missing, what am I suppose to do?" Mal questioned.

"Well you knew my son better then anyone, including myself so if Uma didn't do anything, that means he must have left and went into hiding, I figured you would know where he is." Captain Hook said as he looked at her.

"There's a possibility of that, but what difference does it make to me?" She questioned.

"Whether you believe it or not, he hates Uma, and you hate Uma so there's a chance you two could team up to take her down." He said as he looked at her. "But I need to know one thing, why are you back? Umas invitation can't be the only reason." He said looking at her.

"Let me get up from this chair and I'll tell you." Mal said.

Captain Hook nodded then cut the ropes off that were holding Mal to the chair, Mal then get up and looked in his eyes.

"Okay, I'm here because I felt like I had to save my home, I saw what Uma turned my home into, I had to come here to stop her and protect my home...but unfortunately I haven't done too well." She said softly.

Captain Hook looked at her in the eyes. "You'll do fine once you get a team together, I know my son will help but he's gonna need a bit of a push." He stated as he looked at the purple haired girl.

"Okay well, I do have an idea of where he is, hopefully he is there." Mal stated as she looked at him.

"Alright." Captain Hook simply replied as he sat down.

Mal made it to the doorway then stopped as she turned and looked. "Tell me something Hook, why are you against Uma? Every pirste is suppose to get luxury." She reminded him.

Captain Hook sighed as he looked at her. "You wanna know why I hate her? I'll tell you, I hate her because of what she's done to the Isle, the way she treats the kids, they don't deserve that, Harry and I are the only pirates who hate what that bitch has done! Plus she killed my son before, so yeah I hate the sea bitch." He said sternly as he looked at her.

"Okay well, I do intend on taking her down Captain." Mal said before turning and walking out.

A/N Thoughts?

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